Enable with --enable-features
, disable with --disable-features
Name | Description | Enabled by default |
AdditionalOpaqueOriginEnforcements | Kill switch to guard additional security checks performed by the browser process on opaque origins, such as when verifying source origins for postMessage. See https://crbug.com/40109437. | ✅ |
AndroidFallbackToNextSlot | Fallback to next named service slot if launching a privileged service process hangs. In practice, this means if GPU launch hanges, then retry it once. | ❌ |
AndroidWarmUpSpareRendererWithTimeout | Warm up a spare renderer after each navigation on Android. | ❌ |
AudioServiceLaunchOnStartup | Launches the audio service on the browser startup. | ❌ |
AudioServiceOutOfProcess | Runs the audio service in a separate process. | ❌ |
AudioServiceSandbox | Enables the audio-service sandbox. This feature has an effect only when the kAudioServiceOutOfProcess feature is enabled. | ❌ |
BackgroundFetch | Kill switch for Background Fetch. | ✅ |
BackForwardCache | Enable using the BackForwardCache. | ✅ |
BackForwardCacheMediaSessionService | Allows pages that created a MediaSession service to stay eligible for the back/forward cache. | ✅ |
BackForwardCacheEntryTimeout | Set a time limit for the page to enter the cache. Disabling this prevents flakes during testing. | ✅ |
BackForwardCacheMemoryControls | BackForwardCacheMemoryControls is enabled only on Android to disable BackForwardCache for lower memory devices due to memory limitations. | ❌ |
BatterySaverModeAlignWakeUps | If enabled, makes battery saver request heavy align wake ups. | ❌ |
BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests | When this feature is enabled, private network requests initiated from
non-secure contexts in the | ❌ |
BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsFromPrivate | When this feature is enabled, requests to localhost initiated from non-secure
contexts in the | ❌ |
BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsDeprecationTrial | Enables use of the PrivateNetworkAccessNonSecureContextsAllowed deprecation trial. This is a necessary yet insufficient condition: documents that wish to make use of the trial must additionally serve a valid origin trial token. | ✅ |
BrokerFileOperationsOnDiskCacheInNetworkService | Broker file operations on disk cache in the Network Service. This is no-op if the network service is hosted in the browser process. | ❌ |
CacheControlNoStoreEnterBackForwardCache | Allows pages with cache-control:no-store to enter the back/forward cache. Feature params can specify whether pages with cache-control:no-store can be restored if cookies change / if HTTPOnly cookies change. TODO(crbug.com/40189625): Remove this feature and clean up. | ✅ |
CapturedSurfaceControlKillswitch | This killswitch is distinct from the OT. It allows us to remotely disable the feature, and get it to stop working even on sites that are in possession of a valid token. When that happens, all API calls gated by the killswitch will fail graceully. | ✅ |
ClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowName | Clear the window.name property for the top-level cross-site navigations that swap BrowsingContextGroups(BrowsingInstances). | ❌ |
CompositeBGColorAnimation | — | ❌ |
CookieDeprecationFacilitatedTesting | Gate access to cookie deprecation API which allows developers to opt in server side testing without cookies. (See https://developer.chrome.com/en/docs/privacy-sandbox/chrome-testing) | ❌ |
DeferSpeculativeRFHCreation | Enables deferring the creation of the speculative RFH when the navigation starts. The creation of a speculative RFH consumes about 2ms and is blocking the network request. With this feature the creation will be deferred until the browser initializes the network request. The speculative RFH will be created while the network service is sending the request in parallel. | ❌ |
DeleteStaleSessionCookiesOnStartup | Clears session cookies last accessed/modified more than 7 days ago on startup even when session restore is enabled. See crbug.com/40285083 for more info. | ✅ |
DeviceBoundSessionTerminationEvictBackForwardCache | When a device bound session
(https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-dbsc/blob/main/README.md) is
terminated, evict pages with cache-control:no-store from the
BFCache. Note that if | ❌ |
DevToolsPrivacyUI | When enabled, the DevTools Privacy UI is displayed. | ✅ |
DigitalGoodsApi | Controls whether the Digital Goods API is enabled. https://github.com/WICG/digital-goods/ | ❌ |
DIPS | Enables the BTM (Bounce Tracking Mitigation) feature. On by default to allow for collecting metrics. All potentially dangerous behavior (database persistence, storage deletion) will be gated by params. | ✅ |
DIPSTtl | Flag used to control the TTL for user interactions (separately from the |kBtm| feature flag). | ✅ |
BtmDualUse | Enables Bounce Tracking Mitigations for Dual Use sites. | ❌ |
webrtc-hw-decoding | Enables HW decode acceleration for WebRTC. | ✅ |
webrtc-hw-encoding | Enables HW encode acceleration for WebRTC. | ✅ |
WebContentsDiscard | Enables a discard operation on WebContents to free associated resources. Eliminates the need to destroy the WebContents object to free its resources. | ❌ |
DocumentIsolationPolicyOriginTrial | Enables the Origin Trial of Document-Isolation-Policy. | ✅ |
DrawCutoutEdgeToEdge | Enable drawing under System Bars within DisplayCutout. | ❌ |
EarlyEstablishGpuChannel | Enable establishing the GPU channel early in renderer startup. | ❌ |
EnableCanvas2DLayers | Enables canvas 2d methods BeginLayer and EndLayer. | ❌ |
EnableServiceWorkersForChromeUntrusted | Enables service workers on chrome-untrusted:// urls. | ❌ |
EnableServiceWorkersForChromeScheme | Enables service workers on chrome:// urls. | ❌ |
EnsureExistingRendererAlive | Ensures the renderer is not dead when getting the process host for a site instance. | ❌ |
FedCm | Enables JavaScript API to intermediate federated identity requests. Note that actual exposure of the FedCM API to web content is controlled by the flag in RuntimeEnabledFeatures on the blink side. See also the use of kSetOnlyIfOverridden in content/child/runtime_features.cc. We enable it here by default to support use in origin trials. | ✅ |
FedCmUseOtherAccount | Enables the "Use a different account" button in the FedCM account chooser to log in to another IDP account, if the IDP opts in. | ❌ |
FedCmAlternativeIdentifiers | Support usernames and phone numbers to identify users, instead of (or in addition to) names and emails. | ❌ |
FedCmAuthz | Enables usage of the FedCM Authz API. Note that actual exposure of the API to web content is controlled by the flag in RuntimeEnabledFeatures on the blink side. See also the use of kSetOnlyIfOverridden in content/child/runtime_features.cc. We enable it here by default to support use in origin trials and web platform tests. | ✅ |
FedCmButtonMode | Enables usage of the FedCM ButtonMode feature. Note that actual exposure of the API to web content is controlled by the flag in RuntimeEnabledFeatures on the blink side. See also the use of kSetOnlyIfOverridden in content/child/runtime_features.cc. We enable it here by default to support use in origin trials. | ✅ |
FedCmCooldownOnIgnore | Enables cooldown on ignore in FedCM API. | ❌ |
FedCmDelegation | Enables usage of the FedCM Delegation API. | ❌ |
FedCmIdPregistration | Enables usage of the FedCM IdP Registration API. | ❌ |
FedCmMetricsEndpoint | Enables usage of the FedCM API with metrics endpoint at the same time. | ❌ |
FedCmMultipleIdentityProviders | Enables usage of the FedCM API with multiple identity providers at the same time. | ✅ |
FedCmSelectiveDisclosure | Enables usage of the FedCM API with the Selective Disclosure API at the same time. | ❌ |
FedCmShowFilteredAccounts | Enables showing filtered out accounts in FedCM UI after the user attempts to login to an account. These accounts are shown greyed out. | ✅ |
FedCmWithoutWellKnownEnforcement | Enables bypassing the well-known file enforcement. | ❌ |
FedCmLightweightMode | Enables Lightweight FedCM Mode | ❌ |
FencedFramesEnforceFocus | Enables browser-side focus verification when crossing fenced boundaries. | ❌ |
ForwardMemoryPressureToBlinkIsolates | Whether a memory pressure signal in a renderer should be forwarded to Blink
isolates. Forwarding the signal triggers a GC (critical) or starts
incremental marking (moderate), see | ✅ |
WebIdentityDigitalCredentials | Enables the Digital Credential API. | ✅ |
WebIdentityDigitalCredentialsCreation | Enables the Digital Credentials Creation API. | ❌ |
FractionalScrollOffsets | Enables scrollers inside Blink to store scroll offsets in fractional floating-point numbers rather than truncating to integers. | ❌ |
NetworkQualityEstimatorWebHoldback | Puts network quality estimate related Web APIs in the holdback mode. When the holdback is enabled the related Web APIs return network quality estimate set by the experiment (regardless of the actual quality). | ❌ |
GuestViewMPArch | Whether GuestViews (see components/guest_view/README.md) are implemented using MPArch inner pages. See https://crbug.com/40202416 | ❌ |
IdbPrioritizeForegroundClients | See crbug.com/359623664 | ❌ |
IgnoreDuplicateNavs | Controls whether we ignore duplicate navigations or not, in favor of preserving the already ongoing navigation. | ❌ |
InstalledApp | Kill switch for the GetInstalledRelatedApps API. | ✅ |
InstalledAppProvider | Allow Windows specific implementation for the GetInstalledRelatedApps API. | ✅ |
IsolatedWebApps | Enable support for isolated web apps. This will guard features like serving isolated web apps via the isolated-app:// scheme, and other advanced isolated app functionality. See https://github.com/reillyeon/isolated-web-apps for a general overview. Please don't use this feature flag directly to guard the IWA code. Use IsolatedWebAppsPolicy::AreIsolatedWebAppsEnabled() in the browser process or check kEnableIsolatedWebAppsInRenderer command line flag in the renderer process. | ❌ |
AutomaticFullscreenContentSetting | Enables a new Automatic Fullscreen content setting that lets allowlisted origins use the HTML Fullscreen API without transient activation. https://chromestatus.com/feature/6218822004768768 | ✅ |
IsolateFencedFrames | Enables process isolation of fenced content (content inside fenced frames) from non-fenced content. See https://github.com/WICG/fenced-frame/blob/master/explainer/process_isolation.md for rationale and more details. | ❌ |
IsolateOrigins | Alternative to switches::kIsolateOrigins, for turning on origin isolation. List of origins to isolate has to be specified via kIsolateOriginsFieldTrialParamName. | ❌ |
LazyInitializeMediaControls | Enable lazy initialization of the media controls. | ✅ |
LogJsConsoleMessages | — | ✅ |
MBIMode | The MBI mode controls whether or not communication over the AgentSchedulingGroup is ordered with respect to the render-process-global legacy IPC channel, as well as the granularity of AgentSchedulingGroup creation. This will break ordering guarantees between different agent scheduling groups (ordering withing a group is still preserved). DO NOT USE! The feature is not yet fully implemented. See crbug.com/1111231. | ❌ |
NavigationConfidenceEpsilon | Controls the configurablity of the navigation confidence noise level. If the feature is not enabled, then the epsilon value will be 1.1. | ❌ |
NavigationNetworkResponseQueue | When NavigationNetworkResponseQueue is enabled, the browser will schedule some tasks related to navigation network responses in a kHigh priority queue. | ✅ |
NetworkServiceInProcess2 | If the network service is enabled, runs it in process. | ❌ |
NoStatePrefetchHoldback | Feature which holdbacks NoStatePrefetch on all surfaces. | ❌ |
OriginIsolationHeader | Controls the Origin-Agent-Cluster header. Tracking bug https://crbug.com/1042415; flag removal bug (for when this is fully launched) https://crbug.com/1148057. The name is "OriginIsolationHeader" because that was the old name when the feature was under development. | ✅ |
OverscrollHistoryNavigation | History navigation in response to horizontal overscroll (aka gesture-nav). | ✅ |
PartitionedPopinsHeaderPolicyBypass | Partitioned Popins must have a Popin-Policy in their top-frame HTTP Response that permits the opener origin. This feature disables that check for purposes of testing only, this must never be enabled by default in any context. See https://explainers-by-googlers.github.io/partitioned-popins/ | ❌ |
PdfEnforcements | Enables additional ChildProcessSecurityPolicy enforcements for PDF renderer processes, including blocking storage and cookie access for them. TODO(https://crbug.com/40205612): Remove this kill switch once the PDF enforcements are verified not to cause problems. | ✅ |
PeriodicBackgroundSync | Whether web apps can run periodic tasks upon network connectivity. | ❌ |
PrefetchBrowserInitiatedTriggers | If enabled, browser-initiated prefetch is allowed. Please see crbug.com/40946257 for more details. | ✅ |
Prerender2NewLimitAndScheduler | This was used for enabling a new limit and scheduler for prerender triggers (crbug.com/40275452). Now the new implementation is used by default and this flag is just for injecting parameters through field trials. | ✅ |
PrivacySandboxAdsAPIsOverride | Enables exposure of ads APIs in the renderer: Attribution Reporting, FLEDGE, Topics, along with a number of other features actively in development within these APIs. | ❌ |
PrivateNetworkAccessForWorkers | Enables Private Network Access checks for all types of web workers. This affects initial worker script fetches, fetches initiated by workers themselves, and service worker update fetches. The exact checks run are the same as for other document subresources, and depend on the state of other Private Network Access feature flags: - | ✅ |
PrivateNetworkAccessForWorkersWarningOnly | Enables Private Network Access checks in warning mode for all types of web workers. Does nothing if | ✅ |
PrivateNetworkAccessForNavigations | Enables Private Network Access checks for navigations. The exact checks run are the same as for document subresources, and depend on the state of other Private Network Access feature flags: - | ❌ |
PrivateNetworkAccessForNavigationsWarningOnly | Enables Private Network Access checks in warning mode for navigations. Does nothing if | ❌ |
PrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResults | Requires that CORS preflight requests succeed before sending private network
requests. This flag implies | ❌ |
PrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflights | Enables sending CORS preflight requests ahead of private network requests. See: https://wicg.github.io/private-network-access/#cors-preflight | ✅ |
OriginKeyedProcessesByDefault | Enables origin-keyed processes by default, unless origins opt out using Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0. This feature only takes effect if the Blink feature OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnable is enabled, since origin-keyed processes require origin-agent-clusters. | ❌ |
PushSubscriptionChangeEvent | Fires the | ❌ |
QueueNavigationsWhileWaitingForCommit | When enabled, queues navigations instead of cancelling the previous navigation if the previous navigation is already waiting for commit. See https://crbug.com/838348 and https://crbug.com/1220337. | ✅ |
ReduceSubresourceResponseStartedIPC | When enabled, sends SubresourceResponseStarted IPC only when the user has allowed any HTTPS-related warning exceptions. From field data, ~100% of subresource notifications are not required, since allowing certificate exceptions by users is a rare event. Hence, if user has never allowed any certificate or HTTP exceptions, notifications are not sent to the browser. Once we start sending these messages, we keep sending them until all exceptions are revoked and browser restart occurs. | ❌ |
RegionCaptureOfOtherTabs | When a Web application is video-capturing a tab, it can use the Region Capture API to crop the resulting video. - If | ❌ |
RenderDocument | Enable using the RenderDocument. | ✅ |
RestrictThreadPoolInBackground | Restrict the maximum number of concurrent ThreadPool tasks when a renderer is low priority. | ❌ |
SetIsolatesPriority | Set a tri-state priority on v8 isolates reflecting the renderer priority. | ❌ |
RenderDocumentCompositorReuse | Reuse compositor instances with RenderDocument | ❌ |
RetryGetVideoCaptureDeviceInfos | Enables retrying to obtain list of available cameras after restarting the video capture service if a previous attempt failed, which could be caused by a service crash. | ❌ |
ProcessPerSiteUpToMainFrameThreshold | Reuses RenderProcessHost up to a certain threshold. This mode ignores the soft process limit and behaves just like a process-per-site policy for all sites, with an additional restriction that a process may only be reused while the number of main frames in that process stays below a threshold. | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerAutoPreload | Enables auto preloading for fetch requests before invoking the fetch handler in ServiceWorker. The fetch request inside the fetch handler is resolved with this preload response. If the fetch handler result is fallback, uses this preload request as a fallback network request. Unlike navigation preload, this preloading is applied to subresources. Also, it doesn't require a developer opt-in. crbug.com/1472634 for more details. | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerStaticRouterRaceNetworkRequestPerformanceImprovement | crbug.com/374606637: When this is enabled, race-network-and-fetch-hander will prioritize the response processing for the network request over the processing for the fetch handler. | ❌ |
RunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcess | Run video capture service in the Browser process as opposed to a dedicated utility process. | ❌ |
SchedQoSOnResourcedForChrome | Update scheduler settings using resourced on ChromeOS. | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmationBrowser | Browser-side feature flag for Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC) that also controls the render side feature state. SPC is not currently available on Linux or ChromeOS, as it requires platform authenticator support. | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmationDebug | Used to control whether to remove the restriction that PaymentCredential in WebAuthn and secure payment confirmation method in PaymentRequest API must use a user verifying platform authenticator. When enabled, this allows using such devices as UbiKey on Linux, which can make development easier. | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerPaymentApps | Service worker based payment apps as defined by w3c here: https://w3c.github.io/webpayments-payment-apps-api/ TODO(rouslan): Remove this. | ✅ |
SharedArrayBuffer | http://tc39.github.io/ecmascript_sharedmem/shmem.html This feature is also enabled independently of this flag for cross-origin isolated renderers. | ❌ |
UserMediaCaptureOnFocus | If enabled, GetUserMedia API will only work when the concerned tab is in focus | ❌ |
WebAppEnableUpdateTokenParsing | A feature to enable using the update token in the manifest or icon url changes to detect app updates. When this is enabled, automatic icon downloading is disabled. | ❌ |
WebOTP | This is intended as a kill switch for the WebOTP Service feature. To enable this feature, the experimental web platform features flag should be set. | ✅ |
WebLockScreenApi | Enable the web lockscreen API implementation (https://github.com/WICG/lock-screen) in Chrome. | ❌ |
SiteInstanceGroupsForDataUrls | When enabled, puts subframe data: URLs in a separate SiteInstance in the same SiteInstanceGroup as the initiator. | ✅ |
DefaultSiteInstanceGroups | When enabled, puts non-isolated sites in separate SiteInstances in a default SiteInstanceGroup (per BrowsingInstance), rather than sharing a default SiteInstance. | ❌ |
SiteIsolationForCrossOriginOpenerPolicy | Controls whether to isolate sites of documents that specify an eligible Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header. Note that this is only intended to be used on Android, which does not use strict site isolation. See https://crbug.com/1018656. | ❌ |
DisableProcessReuse | When enabled, OOPIFs will not try to reuse compatible processes from unrelated tabs. | ❌ |
SpareRendererForSitePerProcess | Controls whether SpareRenderProcessHostManager tries to always have a warm spare renderer process around for the most recently requested BrowserContext. This feature is only consulted in site-per-process mode. | ✅ |
StrictOriginIsolation | Controls whether site isolation should use origins instead of scheme and eTLD+1. | ❌ |
SubframeProcessReuseThresholds | Controls whether subframe process reuse should be restricted according to resource usage policies. Namely, a process that is already consuming too much memory is not attempted to be reused. | ✅ |
SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs | Disallows window.{alert, prompt, confirm} if triggered inside a subframe that is not same origin with the main frame. | ❌ |
SyntheticPointerActions | Dispatch touch events to "SyntheticGestureController" for events from Devtool Protocol Input.dispatchTouchEvent to simulate touch events close to real OS events. | ❌ |
TouchDragAndContextMenu | This feature allows touch dragging and a context menu to occur simultaneously, with the assumption that the menu is non-modal. Without this feature, a long-press touch gesture can start either a drag or a context-menu in Blink, not both (more precisely, a context menu is shown only if a drag cannot be started). | ❌ |
TrackEmptyRendererProcessesForReuse | Controls whether the browser should track and reuse free and empty renderer processes. When enabled, the browser maintains a list of renderer processes that are currently not hosting any frames and are thus eligible for reuse when a new renderer process is needed. Currently, only background renderer processes are considered for reuse. | ❌ |
UnrestrictedSharedArrayBuffer | This feature is for a reverse Origin Trial, enabling SharedArrayBuffer for sites as they migrate towards requiring cross-origin isolation for these features. TODO(bbudge): Remove when the deprecation is complete. https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/303992974847508481 https://crbug.com/1144104 | ❌ |
UseBrowserCalculatedOrigin | Enable using browser-calculated origins on navigations, instead of renderer-calculated ones. | ✅ |
VerifyDidCommitParams | Enables comparing browser and renderer's DidCommitProvisionalLoadParams in RenderFrameHostImpl::VerifyThatBrowserAndRendererCalculatedDidCommitParamsMatch. | ✅ |
V8VmFuture | Enables future V8 VM features | ❌ |
WebAppSystemMediaControls | Enables per PWA System Media Controls. Only supported on Windows and macOS. | ❌ |
WebAssemblyBaseline | Enable WebAssembly baseline compilation (Liftoff). | ✅ |
ElementCaptureOfOtherTabs | When a Web application is video-capturing a tab, it can use the Element Capture API to restrict the resulting video. - If | ❌ |
WebAssemblyExperimentalJSPI | Enable WebAssembly JSPI. | ❌ |
WebAssemblyLazyCompilation | Enable WebAssembly lazy compilation (JIT on first call). | ✅ |
WebAssemblyTiering | Enable WebAssembly tiering (Liftoff -> TurboFan). | ✅ |
WebAssemblyTrapHandler | Enable WebAssembly trap handler. | ❌ |
WebBluetooth | Controls whether the Web Bluetooth API is enabled: https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/ | ❌ |
WebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackend | Controls whether Web Bluetooth should use the new permissions backend. The new permissions backend uses ObjectPermissionContextBase, which is used by other device APIs, such as WebUSB. When enabled, WebBluetoothWatchAdvertisements and WebBluetoothGetDevices blink features are also enabled. | ❌ |
WebOtpBackendAuto | Controls which backend is used to retrieve OTP on Android. When disabled we use User Consent API. | ❌ |
WebPayments | The JavaScript API for payments on the web. | ✅ |
WebUICodeCache | Enables code caching for scripts used on WebUI pages. | ❌ |
WebUIBundledCodeCache | Enables build-time generated resource-bundled code caches for WebUI pages. See crbug.com/375509504 for details. | ❌ |
WebUIJSErrorReportingExtended | Reports WebUI Javascript errors to the crash server on all desktop platforms. Previously, this was only supported on ChromeOS and Linux. Intentionally enabled by default and will be used as a kill switch in case of regressions. | ✅ |
WebUSB | Controls whether the WebUSB API is enabled: https://wicg.github.io/webusb | ✅ |
WebXR | Controls whether the WebXR Device API is enabled. | ✅ |
WebPermissionsApi | Enable the navigator.permissions API. Used for launch in WebView, but exposed in content to map to runtime-enabled feature. | ✅ |
PwaNavigationCapturing | — | ❌ |
AdAuctionSignals | — | ✅ |
AdjustCanCreateCanvas2dResourceProvider | — | ✅ |
AvoidTrustedParamsCopies | The delay for creating the Android spare renderer in
The parameter will not be effective if
| ❌ |
BlockMidiByDefault | — | ✅ |
ComputePressureRateObfuscationMitigation | The timeout for the created spare renderer after each navigation on Android. The created renderer will be destroyed after the timeout. A negative value indicates that no timeout will be set for the spare | ✅ |
LowerHighResolutionTimerThreshold | — | ❌ |
AllowDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumerInBFCache | — | ✅ |
AllowDevToolsMainThreadDebuggerForMultipleMainFrames | Launches the audio service on the browser startup. | ✅ |
AllowURNsInIframes | — | ✅ |
DisplayWarningDeprecateURNIframesUseFencedFrames | — | ❌ |
AndroidExtendedKeyboardShortcuts | — | ✅ |
AudioWorkletThreadRealtimePriority | — | ✅ |
AudioWorkletThreadPool | — | ✅ |
AutofillFixFieldsAssociatedWithNestedFormsByParser | BackForwardCache is disabled on low memory devices. The threshold is defined via a field trial param: "memory_threshold_for_back_forward_cache_in_mb" | ✅ |
AutofillSendUnidentifiedKeyAfterFill | BackForwardCacheMemoryControls is enabled only on Android to disable | ❌ |
AutoSpeculationRules | — | ❌ |
AvifGainmapHdrImages | — | ✅ |
AvoidForcedLayoutOnInitialEmptyDocumentInSubframe | When this feature is enabled, private network requests initiated from
non-secure contexts in the | ✅ |
BFCacheOpenBroadcastChannel | When this feature is enabled, private network requests initiated from
non-secure contexts in the | ✅ |
BackForwardCacheDWCOnJavaScriptExecution | — | ❌ |
BackgroundResourceFetch | When this feature is enabled, requests to localhost initiated from non-secure
contexts in the | ✅ |
BakedGamutMapping | Allows pages with cache-control:no-store to enter the back/forward cache. Feature params can specify whether pages with cache-control:no-store can be restored if cookies change / if HTTPOnly cookies change. TODO(crbug.com/40189625): Remove this feature and clean up. | ❌ |
BackgroundTracingPerformanceMark | This killswitch is distinct from the OT. It allows us to remotely disable the feature, and get it to stop working even | ❌ |
BoostImagePriority | — | ✅ |
BoostImageSetLoadingTaskPriority | — | ✅ |
BoostFontLoadingTaskPriority | — | ✅ |
BoostVideoLoadingTaskPriority | Adiitional FeatureParams for CookieDeprecationFacilitatedTesting are defined in chrome/browser/tpcd/experiment/tpcd_experiment_features.cc. | ✅ |
BoostRenderBlockingStyleLoadingTaskPriority | Enables deferring the creation of the speculative RFH when the navigation starts. The creation of a speculative RFH consumes about 2ms and is blocking | ✅ |
BoostNonRenderBlockingStyleLoadingTaskPriority | Enables deferring the creation of the speculative RFH when the navigation starts. The creation of a speculative RFH consumes about 2ms and is blocking the network request. With this feature the creation will be deferred until the browser initializes the network request. The speculative RFH will be created while the network service is sending the request in parallel. | ✅ |
BrowsingTopicsBypassIPIsPubliclyRoutableCheck | — | ❌ |
BrowsingTopicsDocumentAPI | When enabled, the creation of the speculative RFH will be delayed for | ✅ |
BrowsingTopicsParameters | — | ✅ |
CacheCodeOnIdle | Enable establishing the GPU channel early in renderer startup. | ✅ |
CacheStorageCodeCacheHintHeader | Ensures the renderer is not dead when getting the process host for a site | ❌ |
CameraMicPreview | — | ❌ |
Canvas2DHibernation | Support usernames and phone numbers to identify users, instead of (or in addition to) names and emails. | ❌ |
Canvas2DHibernationReleaseTransferMemory | Enables usage of the FedCM Authz API. Note that actual exposure of the API to web content is controlled by | ❌ |
CaptureJSExecutionLocation | Enables usage of the FedCM ButtonMode feature. | ❌ |
CheckHTMLParserBudgetLessOften | Enables usage of the FedCM ButtonMode feature. Note that actual exposure of the API to web content is controlled by the flag in RuntimeEnabledFeatures on the blink side. See also the use of kSetOnlyIfOverridden in content/child/runtime_features.cc. We enable it here by default to support use in origin trials. | ❌ |
ClientHintsDPR_DEPRECATED | Enables cooldown on ignore in FedCM API. | ✅ |
ClientHintsDeviceMemory_DEPRECATED | Enables usage of the FedCM Delegation API. | ✅ |
ClientHintsResourceWidth_DEPRECATED | Enables usage of the FedCM IdP Registration API. | ✅ |
ClientHintsXRFormFactor | Enables usage of the FedCM API with metrics endpoint at the same time. | ❌ |
ClientHintsViewportWidth_DEPRECATED | Enables usage of the FedCM API with multiple identity providers at the same | ✅ |
CompressParkableStrings | Enables usage of the FedCM API with the Selective Disclosure API at the same time. | ✅ |
LessAggressiveParkableString | Enables showing filtered out accounts in FedCM UI after the user attempts to login to an account. These accounts are shown greyed out. | ✅ |
CombineNewWindowIPCs | Enables browser-side focus verification when crossing fenced boundaries. | ✅ |
ConsumeCodeCacheOffThread | This is a kill switch for focusing the RenderWidgetHostViewAndroid on | ✅ |
ContentCaptureConstantStreaming | — | ✅ |
CorrectFloatExtensionTestForWebGL | — | ✅ |
CreateImageBitmapOrientationNone | — | ❌ |
DeferRendererTasksAfterInput | — | ✅ |
DelayAsyncScriptExecution | — | ❌ |
DelayLayerTreeViewDeletionOnLocalSwap | — | ❌ |
DevToolsImprovedNetworkError | — | ❌ |
DirectCompositorThreadIpc | Controls the Origin-Agent-Cluster header. Tracking bug https://crbug.com/1042415; flag removal bug (for when this is fully launched) | ❌ |
DisableArrayBufferSizeLimitsForTesting | History navigation in response to horizontal overscroll (aka gesture-nav). | ❌ |
DiscardInputEventsToRecentlyMovedFrames | — | ❌ |
DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning3DeprecationTrial | Partitioned Popins must have a Popin-Policy in their top-frame HTTP Response that permits the opener origin. This feature disables that check for purposes of testing only, this must never be enabled by default in any context. See https://explainers-by-googlers.github.io/partitioned-popins/ | ✅ |
DropInputEventsWhilePaintHolding | Enables additional ChildProcessSecurityPolicy enforcements for PDF renderer processes, including blocking storage and cookie access for them. | ❌ |
EstablishGpuChannelAsync | — | ❌ |
EnableLazyLoadImageForInvisiblePage | — | ❌ |
EnforceNoopenerOnBlobURLNavigation | Enables Private Network Access checks for all types of web workers. This affects initial worker script fetches, fetches initiated by workers themselves, and service worker update fetches. | ❌ |
EventTimingIgnorePresentationTimeFromUnexpectedFrameSource | Enables Private Network Access checks for all types of web workers. This affects initial worker script fetches, fetches initiated by workers themselves, and service worker update fetches. The exact checks run are the same as for other document subresources, and depend on the state of other Private Network Access feature flags: | ❌ |
ExemptSpeculationRulesHeaderFromCSP | Enables Private Network Access checks for all types of web workers. This affects initial worker script fetches, fetches initiated by workers themselves, and service worker update fetches. The exact checks run are the same as for other document subresources, and depend on the state of other Private Network Access feature flags: - | ✅ |
ExpandCompositedCullRect | — | ✅ |
FencedFrames | — | ✅ |
FencedFramesCrossOriginEventReporting | — | ✅ |
FencedFramesAutomaticBeaconCredentials | — | ✅ |
FencedFramesCrossOriginAutomaticBeaconData | Enables origin-keyed processes by default, unless origins opt out using Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0. This feature only takes effect if the Blink feature OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnable is enabled, since origin-keyed processes | ❌ |
FencedFramesLocalUnpartitionedDataAccess | Fires the | ❌ |
FencedFramesReportEventHeaderChanges | — | ✅ |
FencedFramesSrcPermissionsPolicy | — | ✅ |
ExemptUrlFromNetworkRevocationForTesting | When enabled, sends SubresourceResponseStarted IPC only when the user has allowed any HTTPS-related warning exceptions. From field data, ~100% of subresource notifications are not required, since allowing certificate exceptions by users is a rare event. Hence, if user has never allowed any | ❌ |
kFetchDestinationJsonCssModules | — | ✅ |
FileHandlingIcons | When a Web application is video-capturing a tab, it can use the Region
Capture API to crop the resulting video.
- If | ❌ |
FileSystemUrlNavigation | When a Web application is video-capturing a tab, it can use the Region Capture API to crop the resulting video. - If | ❌ |
FileSystemUrlNavigationForChromeAppsOnly | — | ✅ |
FilteringScrollPrediction | RenderDocument: | ❌ |
Fledge | — | ✅ |
FledgeBiddingAndAuctionServer | — | ✅ |
FledgeOriginScopedKeys | — | ✅ |
FledgeConsiderKAnonymity | — | ❌ |
FledgeEnforceKAnonymity | Specifies the threshold for | ❌ |
FledgeLimitSelectableBuyerAndSellerReportingIds | Allows process reuse for localhost and IP based hosts when | ❌ |
FledgeMaxGroupLifetimeFeature | — | ✅ |
FledgeEnableSampleDebugReportOnCookieSetting | Specifies the total memory limit for | ❌ |
FledgeSampleDebugReports | — | ✅ |
FledgeEnforcePermissionPolicyContributeOnEvent | Supports x-on-meet-coop interop implementation. TODO: crbug.com/398741358 - clean up this temporary workaround after | ❌ |
FledgeDisableLocalAdsAuctions | — | ❌ |
ForceHighPerformanceGPUForWebGL | If enabled, GetUserMedia API will only work when the concerned tab is in | ❌ |
ForceInOrderScript | — | ❌ |
WebContentsForceDark | — | ❌ |
FrequencyCappingForLargeStickyAdDetection | — | ✅ |
FrequencyCappingForOverlayPopupDetection | — | ✅ |
GMSCoreEmoji | Controls whether SpareRenderProcessHostManager tries to always have a warm spare renderer process around for the most recently requested BrowserContext. | ✅ |
GetUserMediaDeferredDeviceSettingsSelection | — | ❌ |
HiddenSelectionBounds | — | ✅ |
IgnoreInputWhileHidden | Controls whether subframe process reuse should be restricted according to resource usage policies. Namely, a process that is already consuming too | ✅ |
ImageLoadingPrioritizationFix | — | ❌ |
IndexedDBCompressValuesWithSnappy | Specifies the memory threshold for the | ✅ |
InputPredictorTypeChoice | Disallows window.{alert, prompt, confirm} if triggered inside a subframe that is not same origin with the main frame. | ❌ |
InputScenarioPriorityBoost | — | ❌ |
IntensiveWakeUpThrottling | When the context menu is triggered, the browser allows motion in a small region around the initial touch location menu to allow for finger jittering. This param holds the movement threshold in DIPs to consider drag an intentional drag, which will dismiss the current context menu and prevent new | ✅ |
InteractiveDetectorIgnoreFcp | — | ❌ |
IsolateSandboxedIframes | This feature is for a reverse Origin Trial, enabling SharedArrayBuffer for sites as they migrate towards requiring cross-origin isolation for these features. TODO(bbudge): Remove when the deprecation is complete. https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/303992974847508481 | ✅ |
IsPaintableChecksResourceProviderInsteadOfBridge | — | ✅ |
KalmanDirectionCutOff | — | ❌ |
KalmanHeuristics | — | ❌ |
KeepAliveInBrowserMigration | — | ✅ |
AttributionReportingInBrowserMigration | — | ❌ |
LimitLayerMergeDistance | Enable WebAssembly baseline compilation (Liftoff). | ✅ |
LCPCriticalPathPredictor | When a Web application is video-capturing a tab, it can use the Element
Capture API to restrict the resulting video.
- If | ❌ |
LCPScriptObserver | Reports WebUI Javascript errors to the crash server on all desktop platforms. Previously, this was only supported on ChromeOS and Linux. | ❌ |
LCPTimingPredictorPrerender2 | Enables posting registering, unregistering the broadcast receiver to the background thread. | ❌ |
LCPPAutoPreconnectLcpOrigin | — | ❌ |
LCPPDeferUnusedPreload | — | ❌ |
LCPPFontURLPredictor | — | ❌ |
LCPPInitiatorOrigin | namespace features | ✅ |
LCPPLazyLoadImagePreload | namespace features | ✅ |
PreloadSystemFonts | namespace features | ❌ |
LCPPMultipleKey | namespace features | ✅ |
LCPPPrefetchSubresource | namespace features | ❌ |
HttpDiskCachePrewarming | namespace features | ❌ |
LegacyParsingOfXContentTypeOptions | namespace features | ❌ |
LightweightNoStatePrefetch | namespace features | ❌ |
LinkPreview | namespace features | ❌ |
LoadingPhaseBufferTimeAfterFirstMeaningfulPaint | namespace features | ❌ |
LoadingTasksUnfreezable | namespace features | ✅ |
LogUnexpectedIPCPostedToBackForwardCachedDocuments | namespace features | ✅ |
LowLatencyCanvas2dImageChromium | namespace features | ❌ |
LowLatencyWebGLImageChromium | namespace features | ❌ |
LowPriorityAsyncScriptExecution | namespace features | ❌ |
AutoupgradeMixedContent | namespace features | ✅ |
MemoryCacheStrongReference | namespace features | ✅ |
MemorySaverModeRenderTuning | namespace features | ❌ |
MHTML_Improvements | namespace features | ❌ |
NavigationPredictor | namespace features | ✅ |
NavigationPredictorNewViewportFeatures | namespace features | ❌ |
NoForcedFrameUpdatesForWebTests | namespace features | ❌ |
NoThrottlingVisibleAgent | namespace features | ❌ |
NoThrowForCSPBlockedWorker | namespace features | ❌ |
OpenAllUrlsOrFilesOnDrop | namespace features | ✅ |
OptimizeLoadingDataUrls | namespace features | ✅ |
OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnable | namespace features | ✅ |
OriginTrialStateHostApplyFeatureDiff | namespace features | ✅ |
PaintHolding | namespace features | ✅ |
ParkableImagesToDisk | namespace features | ✅ |
PartitionVisitedLinkDatabase | namespace features | ❌ |
Path2DPaintCache | namespace features | ❌ |
PlzDedicatedWorker | namespace features | ✅ |
DedicatedWorkerAblationStudyEnabled | namespace features | ❌ |
UseAncestorRenderFrameForWorker | namespace features | ✅ |
PrecompileInlineScripts | namespace features | ❌ |
PreferCompositingToLCDText | namespace features | ❌ |
PrefetchPrivacyChanges | namespace features | ❌ |
PreloadingHeuristicsMLModel | namespace features | ❌ |
PreloadingViewportHeuristics | namespace features | ❌ |
PageHideEventForPrerender2 | namespace features | ✅ |
Prerender2MainFrameNavigation | namespace features | ✅ |
Prerender2MemoryControls | namespace features | ✅ |
Prerender2EarlyDocumentLifecycleUpdate | namespace features | ❌ |
Prerender2WarmUpCompositor | namespace features | ✅ |
PreviewsResourceLoadingHintsSpecificResourceTypes | namespace features | ❌ |
PrivateAggregationApi | namespace features | ✅ |
PrivateAggregationApiProtectedAudienceAdditionalExtensions | namespace features | ✅ |
ProcessHtmlDataImmediately | namespace features | ❌ |
ProduceCompileHints2 | namespace features | ✅ |
ForceProduceCompileHints | namespace features | ❌ |
ConsumeCompileHints | namespace features | ✅ |
LocalCompileHints | namespace features | ✅ |
QuoteEmptySecChUaStringHeadersConsistently | namespace features | ✅ |
ReducedReferrerGranularity | namespace features | ✅ |
ReleaseResourceStrongReferencesOnMemoryPressure | namespace features | ✅ |
ReleaseResourceDecodedDataOnMemoryPressure | namespace features | ✅ |
RenderBlockingFonts | namespace features | ✅ |
RenderSizeInScoreAdBrowserSignals | namespace features | ✅ |
ResamplingInputEvents | namespace features | ❌ |
ResamplingScrollEvents | namespace features | ✅ |
ResourceFetcherStoresStrongReferences | namespace features | ❌ |
SafelistFTPToRegisterProtocolHandler | namespace features | ✅ |
SafelistPaytoToRegisterProtocolHandler | namespace features | ❌ |
PausePagesPerBrowsingContextGroup | namespace features | ❌ |
ShowHudDisplayForPausedPages | namespace features | ✅ |
ScriptStreaming | namespace features | ✅ |
ScriptStreamingForNonHTTP | namespace features | ❌ |
SelectiveInOrderScript | namespace features | ❌ |
SelectiveInOrderScriptTarget | namespace features | ❌ |
SendCnameAliasesToSubresourceFilterFromRenderer | namespace features | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerUpdateDelay | namespace features | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerClientIdAlignedWithSpec | namespace features | ✅ |
SetLowPriorityForBeacon | namespace features | ❌ |
SetIntervalWithoutClamp | namespace features | ✅ |
SharedStorageWorkletSharedBackingThreadImplementation | namespace features | ❌ |
SharedStorageCreateWorkletCustomDataOrigin | namespace features | ✅ |
SharedStorageSelectURLSavedQueries | namespace features | ✅ |
SharedStorageAPIEnableWALForDatabase | namespace features | ✅ |
SimplifyLoadingTransparentPlaceholderImage | namespace features | ✅ |
SpeculationRulesPrefetchFuture | namespace features | ✅ |
SpeculativeImageDecodes | namespace features | ❌ |
SpeculativeServiceWorkerWarmUp | namespace features | ✅ |
ServiceWorkerSyntheticResponse | namespace features | ❌ |
BoostRenderProcessForLoading | namespace features | ❌ |
stop-in-background | namespace features | ❌ |
StreamlineRendererInit | namespace features | ❌ |
SubSampleWindowProxyUsageMetrics | namespace features | ✅ |
StylusRichGestures | namespace features | ✅ |
ThreadedBodyLoader | namespace features | ❌ |
ThreadedPreloadScanner | namespace features | ❌ |
ThrottleInstallingServiceWorker | namespace features | ✅ |
ThrottleUnimportantFrameTimers | namespace features | ❌ |
TimedHTMLParserBudget | namespace features | ✅ |
UACHOverrideBlank | namespace features | ❌ |
kEmulateLoadStartedForInspectorOncePerResource | namespace features | ✅ |
UnloadBlocklisted | namespace features | ❌ |
UrgentMainFrameForInput | namespace features | ❌ |
UsePageViewportInLCP | namespace features | ✅ |
UseSnappyForParkableStrings | namespace features | ❌ |
UseZstdForParkableStrings | namespace features | ✅ |
UseThreadPoolForMediaStreamVideoTaskRunner | namespace features | ❌ |
VSyncDecoding | namespace features | ❌ |
VSyncEncoding | namespace features | ❌ |
WebRtcUseCaptureBeginTimestamp | namespace features | ✅ |
WebRtcAudioSinkUseTimestampAligner | namespace features | ❌ |
WebAppBorderless | namespace features | ❌ |
WebAppEnableScopeExtensions | namespace features | ❌ |
WebAppManifestLockScreen | namespace features | ❌ |
WebAudioAllowDenormalInProcessing | namespace features | ❌ |
WebAudioRemoveAudioDestinationResampler | namespace features | ❌ |
WebFontsCacheAwareTimeoutAdaption | namespace features | ✅ |
WebRtcCombinedNetworkAndWorkerThread | namespace features | ✅ |
WebRtcHideLocalIpsWithMdns | namespace features | ✅ |
WebRtcIgnoreUnspecifiedColorSpace | namespace features | ❌ |
WebRtcUseMinMaxVEADimensions | namespace features | ❌ |
kWebSQLAccess | namespace features | ❌ |
WebUSBTransferSizeLimit | namespace features | ✅ |
WebviewAccelerateSmallCanvases | namespace features | ❌ |
Enable with --enable-blink-features
, disable with --disable-blink-features
Name | Description | Enabled by default |
Accelerated2dCanvas | — | ✅ |
AcceleratedSmallCanvases | — | ✅ |
AccessibilityAriaVirtualContent | — | ❌ |
AccessibilityCustomElementRoleNone | — | ❌ |
AccessibilityExposeDisplayNone | — | ❌ |
AccessibilityImplicitActions | If the author did not define aria-actions, surface button and link children inside option and menuitem elements as implicit actions. | ❌ |
AccessibilityMinRoleTabbable | Use a minimum role of group on elements that are keyboard-focusable. See https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#minimum-role. | ❌ |
AccessibilityOSLevelBoldText | — | ❌ |
AccessibilityProhibitedNames | Enforce no accessible name on objects that have a role where names are prohibited (listed in https://w3c.github.io/aria/#namefromprohibited): log a friendly error in the developer console, and trigger a DCHECK(). The incorrect markup situation will be repaired, and the name will be exposed as a description instead. TODO(crbug.com/350528330, https://github.com/web-platform-tests/interop-accessibility/issues/133, https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/240, https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/241): If community feedback is positive, and WPT + accname testable statements are updated to allow this, then add status: test. | ❌ |
AccessibilitySerializationSizeMetrics | — | ❌ |
AccessibilityUseAXPositionForDocumentMarkers | — | ❌ |
AddressSpace | — | ❌ |
AdInterestGroupAPI | Interest Group JS API/runtimeflag. | ✅ |
AdjustEndOfNextParagraphIfMovedParagraphIsUpdated | Adjust the end of the next paragraph if the end position for the paragraph is updated while moving the paragraph. See https://crbug.com/329121649 | ✅ |
AdjustStartOfParagraphToMoveDuringIndent | See crbug.com/41115285 | ✅ |
AdTagging | — | ❌ |
AIPromptAPI | — | ❌ |
AIPromptAPIForExtension | — | ❌ |
AIPromptAPIForWebPlatform | — | ❌ |
AIPromptAPIMultimodalInput | — | ❌ |
AIRewriterAPI | — | ❌ |
AISummarizationAPI | A origin trial is feature is required for the build to success.
The feature reuses the AISummarizationAPI. Any other origin trial
features in the | ❌ |
AIWriterAPI | — | ❌ |
AllowContentInitiatedDataUrlNavigations | — | ❌ |
AllowCopyingEmptyLastTableCell | Fix for https://crbug.com/41238177. | ✅ |
AllowPreloadingWithCSPMetaTag | — | ❌ |
AllowSameSiteNoneCookiesInSandbox | — | ❌ |
AllowSkippingEditingBoundaryToMergeEnd | https://crbug.com/40681200 | ✅ |
AllowSyntheticTimingForCanvasCapture | — | ❌ |
AllowURNsInIframes | — | ❌ |
AndroidDownloadableFontsMatching | — | ❌ |
AnimationProgressAPI | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5083257285378048 | ✅ |
AnimationTrigger | https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-2/#triggers | ❌ |
AnimationWorklet | — | ❌ |
AnonymousIframe | — | ✅ |
AOMAriaRelationshipProperties | — | ✅ |
AOMAriaRelationshipPropertiesAriaOwns | — | ❌ |
AppTitle | — | ❌ |
AriaActions | — | ❌ |
AriaNotify | — | ❌ |
AriaNotifyV2 | — | ❌ |
AriaRowColIndexText | — | ✅ |
AsyncSetCookie | When enabled, perform async IPCs from CookieJar::SetCookie to the network service. | ❌ |
AtomicMoveRangePreservation | This flag specifically guards live Range (and by extension, selection)
preservation for atomic move ( | ❌ |
AttributionReporting | — | ✅ |
AudioContextInterruptedState | — | ✅ |
AudioContextOnError | — | ✅ |
AudioContextPlayoutStats | AudioContext.playoutStats interface. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5172818344148992 | ❌ |
AudioContextSetSinkId | — | ✅ |
AudioOutputDevices | — | ❌ |
AudioVideoTracks | — | ❌ |
AuraScrollbarUsesNinePatchTrack | Killswitch. | ✅ |
AutoDarkMode | — | ❌ |
AutomationControlled | — | ❌ |
AutoPictureInPictureVideoHeuristics | — | ❌ |
AvoidSelectionChangeOnCanvasClick | When enabled, clicking on canvas element will not update the selection. See crbug.com/40130450. | ✅ |
BackfaceVisibilityInterop | When enabled, enforces new interoperable semantics for 3D transforms. See crbug.com/1008483. | ❌ |
BackForwardCache | — | ❌ |
BackForwardCacheExperimentHTTPHeader | — | ❌ |
BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasons | — | ✅ |
BackForwardCacheUpdateNotRestoredReasonsName | — | ✅ |
BackForwardTransitions | Used to enable Blink side of features flags for Default Nav Transition. | ❌ |
BackgroundFetch | — | ✅ |
BackgroundPageFreezeOptOut | A developer opt-out for background page freezing. | ❌ |
BarcodeDetector | — | ❌ |
BidiCaretAffinity | — | ❌ |
BlinkExtensionChromeOS | — | ❌ |
BlinkExtensionChromeOSKiosk | — | ❌ |
BlinkExtensionWebView | — | ❌ |
BlinkExtensionWebViewMediaIntegrity | — | ❌ |
BlinkLifecycleScriptForbidden | — | ❌ |
BlinkRuntimeCallStats | — | ❌ |
BlockingFocusWithoutUserActivation | — | ❌ |
BoundaryEventDispatchTracksNodeRemoval | crbug.com/1147998: Mouse and Pointer boundary event dispatch (i.e. dispatch of enter, leave, over, out events) tracks DOM node removal to fix event pairing on ancestor nodes. | ❌ |
BrowserVerifiedUserActivationKeyboard | — | ❌ |
BrowserVerifiedUserActivationMouse | — | ❌ |
BufferedBytesConsumerLimitSize | — | ✅ |
BuiltInAIAPI | — | ❌ |
ButtonNoAlignItems | crbug.com/40681980 | ✅ |
BypassPepcSecurityForTesting | Bypasses the enforcement of the Page Embedded Permission Control security checks. This flag is disabled by default and should only be enabled in automated tests in order to allow them to avoid needing to wait until the PEPC is validated and also to use JS-initiated clicks. | ❌ |
CacheStorageCodeCacheHint | — | ❌ |
CallExitNodeWithoutLayoutObject | — | ✅ |
Canvas2dCanvasFilter | — | ❌ |
Canvas2dGPUTransfer | — | ❌ |
Canvas2dImageChromium | — | ❌ |
Canvas2dLayers | — | ❌ |
Canvas2dLayersWithOptions | — | ❌ |
Canvas2dMesh | — | ❌ |
CanvasFloatingPoint | — | ❌ |
CanvasGradientCSSColor4 | https://crbug.com/394052224 | ❌ |
CanvasHDR | — | ❌ |
CanvasInterventions | No status because this blink runtime feature doesn't work by itself. It's controlled by the corresponding Chromium feature, fingerprinting_protection_interventions::features::kCanvasNoise through modified_runtime_features and setting its status in the browser process. | ❌ |
CanvasInterventionsOnCpuForTesting | This allows testing the canvas noise interventions in tests (which in most cases don't have a CPU). In practice the interventions are only enabled for GPU-rendered canvases. | ❌ |
CanvasPlaceElement | https://github.com/Igalia/explainers/blob/main/canvas-formatted-text/html-in-canvas.md | ❌ |
CanvasTextLang | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5066778773028864 | ✅ |
CanvasTextNg | crbug.com/389726691. | ❌ |
CanvasUsesArcPaintOp | Kill switch for https://crbug.com/330506337. | ✅ |
CapabilityDelegationDisplayCaptureRequest | — | ❌ |
CaptureController | — | ❌ |
CapturedMouseEvents | TODO(crbug.com/1444712): Before enabling that flag by default, make sure MouseCursorOverlayController does not transmit mouse events to a CaptureController that don't have any capturedmousechange listener attached to it. See https://github.com/screen-share/mouse-events/issues/14 | ❌ |
CapturedSurfaceControl | — | ❌ |
CapturedSurfaceResolution | — | ❌ |
CaptureHandle | — | ❌ |
CaretPositionFromPoint | https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-document-caretpositionfrompoint | ✅ |
CascadedAfterChangeStyle | — | ✅ |
CCTNewRFMPushBehavior | Kill switch for changes to RenderFrameMetadataObserverImpl in connection with Engagement Signals. See https://crrev.com/c/4544201 and https://crbug.com/1458640. | ❌ |
CheckVisibilityExtraProperties | — | ✅ |
ClickToCapturedPointer | crbug.com/40851596: Send click to the capture pointer target instead of the common ancestor of pointerdown and pointerup targets. | ✅ |
ClientHintUAHighEntropyValuesPermissionPolicy | Allows top-level sites to restrict collection of high-entropy UA client hints (from 3Ps, or itself) via the getHighEntropyValues API. crbug.com/385161047 | ❌ |
ClipboardChangeEvent | Enables clipboardchange event API for listening for changes to the system clipboard https://chromestatus.com/feature/5085102657503232 | ❌ |
ClipboardContentsId | Enables the API for getting a unique token of the system clipboard's current state. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5124993439236096 | ❌ |
ClipboardEventTargetCanBeFocusedElement | This ensures that clipboard event fires on a target node which is focused in case no visible selection is present. crbug.com/40735783 | ✅ |
ClipboardItemWithDOMStringSupport | Support ClipboardItemData of Promise<DOMString> type according to spec https://w3c.github.io/clipboard-apis/#typedefdef-clipboarditemdata | ✅ |
CoalesceSelectionchangeEvent | Avoid queuing a task to fire a selectionchange event when there is already a task scheduled to do that for the target according to the new spec: https://w3c.github.io/selection-api/#scheduling-selectionhange-event | ✅ |
CoepReflection | — | ❌ |
CollapseZeroWidthSpaceWhenReuseItem | — | ✅ |
CompositeBGColorAnimation | — | ❌ |
CompositeBoxShadowAnimation | — | ❌ |
CompositeClipPathAnimation | — | ❌ |
CompositedAnimationsCancelledAsynchronously | — | ✅ |
CompositedSelectionUpdate | — | ❌ |
CompositingDecisionAtAnimationPhaseBoundaries | — | ❌ |
CompositionForegroundMarkers | — | ❌ |
CompressionDictionaryTransport | — | ❌ |
CompressionDictionaryTransportBackend | — | ❌ |
ComputedAccessibilityInfo | — | ❌ |
ComputeInsertionPositionBasedOnAnchorType | — | ✅ |
ComputePressure | — | ❌ |
ConsiderFullChildNodeContentForListify | — | ✅ |
ContactsManager | — | ❌ |
ContactsManagerExtraProperties | — | ❌ |
ContainerTiming | — | ❌ |
ContainerTypeNoLayoutContainment | — | ✅ |
ContentIndex | — | ❌ |
ContextMenu | — | ❌ |
ContinueEventTimingRecordingWhenBufferIsFull | — | ✅ |
ControlledFrame | Enable support for Controlled Frame, providing the Controlled Frame tag to IWA apps and other contexts. See https://github.com/WICG/controlled-frame/blob/main/README.md for more info. | ❌ |
CookieDeprecationFacilitatedTesting | — | ❌ |
CoopRestrictProperties | — | ❌ |
CorrectStylesForLists | crbug.com/40258893 Update UA styles for lists to match HTML spec. This was added in M135 and can be removed after M138. | ✅ |
CorrectTemplateFormParsing | Corrects the handling of <form> elements nested within <template> tags in HTML parsing. See https://crbug.com/352896478 for details. | ❌ |
CorsRFC1918 | — | ❌ |
CredentialManagerReport | Allow WebAuthn relying parties to report information about existing credentials back to credential storage providers. Enabled by default on M132. Remove flag on or after M135. | ✅ |
CSPReportHash | — | ✅ |
CSSAccentColorKeyword | The AccentColor And AccentColorText CSS system color keywords | ❌ |
CSSAdvancedAttrFunction | CSS attr() function that accepts not only string types and can be used in all properties. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#attr-notation | ✅ |
CSSAnchorRememberedScrollOffset | Remember the scroll offset of the default anchor when initially
displaying an anchor-positioned element, and when it switches position
options ( | ✅ |
CSSAnchorScope | Support for the anchor-scope property. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-anchor-position-1/#anchor-scope | ✅ |
CSSAnchorSizeInsetsMargins | Support anchor-size() values in inset and margin properties. | ✅ |
CSSAtRuleCounterStyleImageSymbols | Whether <image> values are allowed as counter style <symbol> | ❌ |
CSSAtRuleCounterStyleSpeakAsDescriptor | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles/#counter-style-speak-as | ❌ |
CSSAttrRawString | Replaces | ✅ |
CSSBackgroundClipUnprefix | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5125388091260928 | ✅ |
CSSCalcSimplificationAndSerialization | Support CSS Values Level 4 calc simplification and serialization as specified in the specs below. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#calc-simplification https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#calc-serialize | ❌ |
CSSCaretAnimation | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5082469066604544 | ❌ |
CSSCaseSensitiveSelector | Support case-sensitive attribute selector modifier https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#attribute-case | ❌ |
CSSColorContrast | — | ❌ |
CSSColorTypedOM | — | ❌ |
CSSComputedStyleFullPseudoElementParser | — | ✅ |
CSSContainerProgressNotation | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#progress container-progress() | ❌ |
CSSCornerShape | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-borders-4/#corner-shaping | ❌ |
CSSCrossFade | Unprefixed cross-fade() (in addition to the existing -webkit-cross-fade()). https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#cross-fade-function | ❌ |
CssDecoratingBoxPseudoFix | crbug.com/392927981 | ✅ |
CSSDynamicRangeLimit | — | ✅ |
CSSEnumeratedCustomProperties | Include custom properties in CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::item/length. https://crbug.com/949807 | ❌ |
CSSExponentialFunctions | — | ✅ |
CSSFontSizeAdjust | — | ✅ |
CSSFunctions | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-mixins-1/#function-rule | ❌ |
CSSGapDecoration | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5157805733183488 | ❌ |
CSSHexAlphaColor | This needs to be kept as a runtime flag as long as we need to forcibly disable it for WebView on Android versions older than P. See https://crrev.com/f311a84728272e30979432e8474089b3db3c67df | ✅ |
CSSInert | Support making elements inert through the interactivity property. | ✅ |
CSSInlineIfForMediaQueries | CSS if() function for custom properties. Flag is used only for media queries support in conditions. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#if-notation. | ❌ |
CSSInlineIfForStyleQueries | CSS if() function for custom properties. Flag is used only for style queries support in conditions. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#if-notation. | ❌ |
CSSInlineIfForSupportsQueries | CSS if() function for custom properties. Flag is used only for supports queries support in conditions. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#if-notation. | ❌ |
CSSKeyframesRuleLength | https://chromestatus.com/feature/6289894144212992 | ✅ |
CSSLayoutAPI | — | ❌ |
CSSLineClamp | — | ❌ |
CSSLineClampLineBreakingEllipsis | — | ❌ |
CSSLogicalOverflow | — | ✅ |
CSSMarkerNestedPseudoElement | — | ✅ |
CSSMasonryLayout | — | ❌ |
CSSMediaProgressNotation | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#progress media-progress() | ❌ |
CSSMixins | — | ❌ |
CSSNestedPseudoElements | — | ✅ |
CSSPaintAPIArguments | — | ❌ |
CSSParserIgnoreCharsetForURLs | Ignore the stylesheet encoding when parsing URLs, always using UTF-8. See crbug.com/1485525. | ❌ |
CSSPositionStickyStaticScrollPosition | — | ❌ |
CSSPreferredTextScale | — | ❌ |
CSSProgressNotation | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#progress progress() | ❌ |
CSSPseudoColumn | For ::column pseudo element for fragment styling. https://github.com/flackr/carousel/blob/main/fragmentation/README.md | ✅ |
CSSPseudoHasSlotted | Enables the :has-slotted pseudo-selector. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5134941143433216 | ❌ |
CSSPseudoOpen | Enables the :open pseudo-selector. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5085419215781888 | ✅ |
CSSPseudoPlayingPaused | When an audio, video, or similar resource is "playing" or "paused". https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#video-state | ❌ |
CSSPseudoScrollButtons | For ::scroll-up-button and ::scroll-down-button pseudo elements for Carousel. https://github.com/flackr/carousel/tree/main/scroll-button | ✅ |
CSSPseudoScrollMarkers | For ::scroll-marker and ::scroll-marker-group pseudo elements for Carousel. https://github.com/flackr/carousel/tree/main/scroll-marker | ✅ |
CSSReadingFlow | TODO(crbug.com/40932006): Non-standard 'reading-flow' keyword for reading of grid and flexbox items. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-4/#reading-flow | ❌ |
CSSReadingOrder | TODO(crbug.com/393550130): Non-standard 'reading-order' keyword to overwrite reading-flow order. | ❌ |
CSSRelativeColor | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-5/#relative-colors | ✅ |
CSSRelativeColorLateResolveAlways | crbug.com/359616070 | ✅ |
CSSRelativeColorPreserveNone | crbug.com/365818844 | ✅ |
CSSRelativeColorSupportsCurrentcolor | crbug.com/325309578 | ✅ |
CSSResizeAuto | Non-standard 'auto' keyword for the CSS resize property. Used for selectively enable resize corner for textarea via UA stylesheet, but unintentionally exposed to author sheets. UA rule is now using -internal-textarea-auto instead. | ✅ |
CSSSafeAreaMaxInset | Enables env(safe-area-max-inset-*). https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11019 | ✅ |
CSSScopeImport | The "@import scope(...)" syntax. https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7348 | ❌ |
CSSScrollableContainerQueries | — | ✅ |
CSSScrollInitialTarget | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2#scroll-initial-target | ✅ |
CSSScrollMarkerContain | scroll-marker-contain property https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10916 | ❌ |
CSSScrollSnapChangeEvent | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2/#scrollsnapchange | ✅ |
CSSScrollSnapChangingEvent | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2/#scrollsnapchanging | ✅ |
CSSScrollSnapEvents | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2/#snap-events | ✅ |
CSSScrollStart | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2#scroll-start | ❌ |
CSSScrollStateContainerQueries | Flag for supporting scroll-state() and container-type: scroll-state Implied by supporting at least one of the scroll-state query features. | ❌ |
CSSSelectorFragmentAnchor | — | ❌ |
CSSShapeFunction | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes-2/#shape-function | ✅ |
CSSShapeFunctionCompositeAnimation | — | ❌ |
CSSSiblingFunctions | sibling-index() and sibling-count() | ❌ |
CSSSignRelatedFunctions | — | ❌ |
CSSSnapContainerQueries | — | ✅ |
CSSSteppedValueFunctions | Explainer: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values/#round-func | ✅ |
CSSStickyContainerQueries | — | ✅ |
CSSSupportsAtRuleFunction | — | ❌ |
CSSSupportsForImportRules | — | ✅ |
CSSSystemAccentColor | Allows the CSS "accent-color" property to support the system accent color as the default option. | ❌ |
CSSTextAutoSpace | crbug.com/1463890: CSS | ❌ |
CSSTextBoxTrim | TODO(https://crbug.com/1411581): https://w3c.github.io/csswg-drafts/css-inline-3/#propdef-leading-trim | ✅ |
CSSTextSpacing | crbug.com/1463890, crbug.com/1463891: CSS | ❌ |
CSSTreeScopedTimelines | Support for tree-scoped [1] timeline names (e.g. produced by scroll-timeline). [1] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping-1/#shadow-names | ❌ |
CSSTypeAgnosticVarFallback | The var() fallback does not validate against the type of the custom property being referenced. | ✅ |
CSSUserSelectContain | Support for | ❌ |
CSSVideoDynamicRangeMediaQueries | — | ❌ |
CSSViewTransitionAutoName | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5064894363992064 | ❌ |
CSSViewTransitionMatchElement | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5064894363992064 | ❌ |
CustomizableSelect | Adds the appearance:base-select CSS value which makes <select> rendering using alternate content in the UA shadowroot which is customizable. | ✅ |
CustomizableSelectElementAccessibilityIssues | If a node within a customizable <select> doesn't obey the content model, an Issue is reported to DevTools so that web authors get more context on why this can impact the accessibility behavior of the <select>. | ❌ |
Database | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5134293578285056 | ❌ |
DelegatesFocusTextControlFix | Fix HandleMouseFocus selection for delegated focus text control. See https://crbug.com/400317114 This feature was shipped in M136, so this flag can be removed in M138. | ✅ |
DeprecateUnloadOptOut | This allows pages to opt out of the unload deprecation. Enabling this allows unload event handers to be used in the frame regardless of any Permissions-Policy setting. https://crbug.com/1432116 | ❌ |
DesktopCaptureDisableLocalEchoControl | — | ❌ |
DesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControls | — | ❌ |
DesktopPWAsSubApps | — | ❌ |
DeviceAttributes | — | ❌ |
DeviceBoundSessionCredentials | — | ❌ |
DeviceOrientationRequestPermission | — | ❌ |
DevicePosture | — | ✅ |
DialogCloseWhenOpenRemoved | This feature makes the <dialog> element close properly when its "open" attribute is removed. https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5802 and https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/10124. | ❌ |
DialogElementToggleEvents | This feature makes the dialog element fire beforetoggle and toggle events every time it is closed or opened. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1521813 | ✅ |
DialogNewFocusBehavior | — | ❌ |
DigitalGoods | — | ❌ |
DigitalGoodsV2_1 | — | ❌ |
DirectSockets | — | ✅ |
DirectSocketsInServiceWorkers | Experimental support for the Direct Sockets API in Service Workers. https://github.com/WICG/direct-sockets | ❌ |
DirectSocketsInSharedWorkers | Experimental support for the Direct Sockets API in Shared Workers. https://github.com/WICG/direct-sockets | ❌ |
DisableDifferentOriginSubframeDialogSuppression | — | ❌ |
DisableHardwareNoiseSuppression | — | ❌ |
DisableReduceAcceptLanguage | — | ❌ |
DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning3 | This feature will represent the extension of a deprecation trial that allows first parties to temporarily use unpartitioned storage in embeds loaded on their site. It replaces an old DT named DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning which expired in M126 and DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning2 which expired in M132. | ❌ |
DispatchHiddenVisibilityTransitions |
| ✅ |
DispatchSelectionchangeEventPerElement | Dispatch selectionchange event per element according to the new spec: https://w3c.github.io/selection-api/#selectionchange-event | ✅ |
DisplayContentsFocusable | Allowing elements with display:contents to have focus. See https://crbug.com/1366037 | ❌ |
DisplayCutoutAPI | — | ❌ |
DnDScaleHeightAndWidthToMaxDimension | Scale very large height and width of HTML Element to allow DnD. | ✅ |
DocumentCookie | — | ❌ |
DocumentDomain | — | ❌ |
DocumentIsolationPolicy | Enables DocumentIsolationPolicy. See https://https://github.com/WICG/document-isolation-policy. | ❌ |
DocumentOpenOriginAliasRemoval | — | ❌ |
DocumentOpenSandboxInheritanceRemoval | — | ✅ |
DocumentPictureInPictureAPI | — | ❌ |
DocumentPictureInPicturePreferInitialPlacement | Enables | ❌ |
DocumentPictureInPictureUserActivation | Enables propagating user activation from a document picture-in-picture window up to its opener window and vice versa. | ❌ |
DocumentPolicyDocumentDomain | Enables the ability to use Document Policy header to control feature DocumentDomain. | ❌ |
DocumentPolicyExpectNoLinkedResources | Enables the ability to use Document Policy header to control feature ExpectNoLinkedResources. | ✅ |
DocumentPolicyIncludeJSCallStacksInCrashReports | Enables the ability to use Document Policy header to control feature IncludeJSCallStacksInCrashReports. https://chromestatus.com/feature/4731248572628992 | ✅ |
DocumentPolicyNegotiation | — | ❌ |
DocumentPolicySyncXHR | Enables the ability to use Document Policy header to control feature SyncXHR. | ❌ |
DocumentWrite | — | ❌ |
DOMInsertionFaster | This is a flag for performance improvements that shipped in M134, for use as a kill-switch and for other finch measurement in Q2 2025. | ✅ |
DOMPartsAPI | — | ❌ |
DOMPartsAPIMinimal | — | ❌ |
DynamicSafeAreaInsets | Dynamically change the safe area insets based on the bottom browser controls visibility. | ❌ |
DynamicSafeAreaInsetsOnScroll | Dynamically change the safe area insets as browser controls scrolls. | ❌ |
EditableBoundaryAdjustment | Fix for https://crbug.com/40821646. When enabled, it prevents returning empty position when the position's anchor node is not a descendant of the anchor's highest editable root. | ✅ |
ElementCapture | — | ❌ |
ElementInnerTextHandleFirstLineStyle | — | ✅ |
EnforceAnonymityExposure | — | ✅ |
EnterInOpenShadowRoots | See: crbug.com/40771555 | ✅ |
EscapeLtGtInAttributes | Experiment with preventing some instances of mutation XSS by escaping "<" and ">" in attribute values. See: crbug.com/1175016 | ❌ |
EventTimingHandleKeyboardEventSimulatedClick | — | ✅ |
EventTimingInteractionCount | — | ❌ |
EventTimingSelectionAutoScrollNoInteractionId | Event Timings should not get interactionId assigned if the next paint was affected by autoscroll, i.e. from text selection. | ✅ |
ExperimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeatures | — | ❌ |
ExperimentalJSProfilerMarkers | — | ❌ |
ExperimentalMachineLearningNeuralNetwork | — | ❌ |
ExperimentalPolicies | — | ❌ |
ExposeCoarsenedRenderTime | — | ✅ |
ExposeCSSFontFeatureValuesRule | — | ✅ |
ExposeRenderTimeNonTaoDelayedImage | — | ❌ |
ExtendedTextMetrics | — | ❌ |
EyeDropperAPI | — | ❌ |
FaceDetector | — | ❌ |
FastClearNeedsRepaint | Kill switch. | ✅ |
FastPathSingleSelectorExactMatch | Kill switch. | ✅ |
FastPositionIterator | — | ❌ |
FedCm | — | ✅ |
FedCmDelegation | — | ❌ |
FedCmIdPRegistration | — | ❌ |
FedCmLightweightMode | — | ❌ |
FedCmMultipleIdentityProviders | — | ❌ |
FedCmSelectiveDisclosure | — | ❌ |
FedCmWithStorageAccessAPI | — | ✅ |
FencedFrames | — | ✅ |
FencedFramesAPIChanges | — | ✅ |
FencedFramesDefaultMode | — | ❌ |
FencedFramesLocalUnpartitionedDataAccess | Allows fenced frames to access unpartioned data via Shared Storage in exchange for disabling untrusted network access. This is the Blink counterpart of the base::Feature with the same name. Because local unpartitioned data access requires browser and renderer process coordination, the value of this flag is strictly controlled by the base::Feature variant, and setting this flag does nothing. | ❌ |
FetchBodyBytes | Add Request.bytes() and Response.bytes() https://chromestatus.com/feature/5239268180754432 | ✅ |
FetchLaterAPI | The Blink runtime-enabled feature name for the API's IDL. https://chromestatus.com/feature/4654499737632768 | ✅ |
FetchUploadStreaming | — | ✅ |
FewerSubsequences | Killswitch M136. | ✅ |
FileHandling | Also enabled when blink::features::kFileHandlingAPI is overridden on the command line (or via chrome://flags). | ❌ |
FileHandlingIcons | — | ❌ |
FileSystem | — | ✅ |
FileSystemAccess | Shared objects by OPFS and non-OPFS File System Access API. | ❌ |
FileSystemAccessAPIExperimental | In-development features for the File System Access API. | ❌ |
FileSystemAccessGetCloudIdentifiers | The FileSystemHandle.getCloudIdentifiers() method (see crbug.com/1443354). | ❌ |
FileSystemAccessLocal | Non-OPFS File System Access API. | ❌ |
FileSystemAccessLockingScheme | — | ✅ |
FileSystemAccessOriginPrivate | OPFS File System Access API. | ✅ |
FileSystemObserver | The FileSystemObserver interface for the File System Access API. See https://crbug.com/1019297. | ❌ |
FileSystemObserverUnobserve | The unobserve function of the FileSystemObserver. See https://crbug.com/321980469. | ❌ |
FindFirstMisspellingEndWhenNonEditable | — | ✅ |
Fledge | — | ✅ |
FledgeAuctionDealSupport | Enables deal support within auctions. | ❌ |
FledgeBiddingAndAuctionServerAPI | — | ✅ |
FledgeBiddingAndAuctionServerAPIMultiSeller | — | ❌ |
FledgeClickiness | — | ❌ |
FledgeCustomMaxAuctionAdComponents | — | ✅ |
FledgeDeprecatedRenderURLReplacements | Enables using a 'deprecatedRenderURLReplacements' field within the Protected Audience ad auction config. | ✅ |
FledgeDirectFromSellerSignalsHeaderAdSlot | — | ✅ |
FledgeDirectFromSellerSignalsWebBundles | Feature flag to control removal, in case we run into unexpected breakage. TODO(crbug.com/384481095): Remove in a few milestones, along with the implementation code. | ❌ |
FledgeMultiBid | — | ✅ |
FledgePrivateModelTraining | Enables the private model training API in Protected Audience. https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/PA_private_model_training.md | ❌ |
FledgeRealTimeReporting | Enables real time reporting API in Protected Audience. https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/PA_real_time_monitoring.md | ✅ |
FledgeSellerNonce | Enables the ability to set seller nonces on the header response and use bidNonce in bids. | ✅ |
FledgeTrustedSignalsKVv1CreativeScanning | — | ❌ |
FledgeTrustedSignalsKVv2ContextualData | — | ❌ |
FledgeTrustedSignalsKVv2Support | — | ✅ |
FluentOverlayScrollbars | — | ❌ |
FluentScrollbars | — | ❌ |
FluentScrollbarUsesNinePatchTrack | — | ✅ |
Focusgroup | — | ❌ |
FontAccess | — | ❌ |
FontationsFontBackend | — | ✅ |
FontFamilyPostscriptMatchingCTMigration | — | ❌ |
FontFamilyStyleMatchingCTMigration | — | ❌ |
FontPresentWin | — | ✅ |
FontSrcLocalMatching | — | ❌ |
FontSystemFallbackNotoCjk | — | ✅ |
ForcedColors | TODO(crbug.com/1231644): This flag is being kept (even though the feature has shipped) until there are settings to allow users to customize the feature. | ✅ |
ForceDelayedIntersectionUpdate | Killswitch M135. | ✅ |
ForceEagerMeasureMemory | — | ❌ |
ForceReduceMotion | https://github.com/flackr/reduce-motion/blob/main/explainer.md | ❌ |
ForceTallerSelectPopup | — | ❌ |
FormControlRestoreStateIfAutocompleteOff | TODO(crbug.com/1419161): Remove this feature after M113 has been stable
for a few weeks or more. This is a kill switch that, when enabled, goes
back to the old behavior, which was to restore the state for <input>
and <select> even when they had | ❌ |
FormControlsVerticalWritingModeDirectionSupport | TODO(crbug.com/1432009) Allow form controls with vertical writing mode to have direction affect the flow of the control. | ✅ |
FormValidationCustomElementsDelegatesFocusFix | TODO(crbug.com/389587444): Remove this feature after M134 is stable. Form-associated custom elements should check isFocusable on the focus delegate if the shadow host has delegatesFocus=true. | ✅ |
FractionalScrollOffsets | — | ❌ |
FreezeFramesOnVisibility | — | ❌ |
GamepadMultitouch | — | ❌ |
GetAllScreensMedia | — | ❌ |
GetComputedStyleOutsideFlatTree | — | ✅ |
GetDisplayMedia | — | ❌ |
GetDisplayMediaRequiresUserActivation | — | ❌ |
GroupEffect | — | ❌ |
HandwritingRecognition | — | ❌ |
HarfBuzzBufferPool | — | ✅ |
HasUAVisualTransition | — | ✅ |
HeadingOffset | TODO(crbug.com/333628468): Enables the | ❌ |
HighlightInheritance | — | ✅ |
HighlightPointerEvents | — | ❌ |
HighlightsFromPoint | — | ❌ |
HrefTranslate | — | ✅ |
HTMLAnchorAttribute | The | ❌ |
HTMLCommandActionsV2 | Additional default command/commandfor actions that aren't part of v1 of commands. When this flag is disabled only v1 actions (popover and dialog defaults) will work. | ❌ |
HTMLCommandAttributes | Adds support for the | ✅ |
HTMLCommandRequestClose | Adds support for the 'request-close' command. | ❌ |
HTMLEmbedElementNotForceLayout | The | ✅ |
HTMLHRWidthAllowZero | The width attribute on the hr element, previously converted 0 values to 1px. This will ship in M133, so should be safe to remove in M135. | ✅ |
HTMLImageElementActualNaturalSize | Return a natural width/height of zero from HTMLImageElement.naturalWidth/Height for SVG images that don't have a natural width/height set. | ❌ |
HTMLInterestTargetAttribute | Adds support for the experimental | ❌ |
HTMLParserYieldAndDelayOftenForTesting | A flag, just for local testing to make the HTML parser yield more often and take longer to resume. This helps when debugging flaky tests caused by parser yielding heuristics. | ❌ |
HTMLSelectElementShowPicker | — | ✅ |
ImageDataPixelFormat | — | ❌ |
ImplicitRootScroller | — | ❌ |
ImportAttributesDisallowUnknownKeys | This change, although technically breaking, is expected to be fully web-compatible due to how import attributes are currently used in the ecosystem. However, this is a killswitch just in case. This can be removed once it ships to stable and no regressions are reported. | ✅ |
ImportMapIntegrity | — | ✅ |
IncludeListElementTagInExtendedSelection | This ensures that list element tag is included in extended selection. https://crbug.com/40658772 | ✅ |
IncludeTableTagInExtendedSelection | This ensures that table tag is included in extended selection. https://crbug.com/40833812 | ✅ |
IncomingCallNotifications | — | ❌ |
IncrementLocalSurfaceIdForMainframeSameDocNavigation | When enabled, every traversable mainframe same-doc navigation will
increment the | ❌ |
IndexedDbGetAllRecords | — | ❌ |
InertElementNonEditable | — | ✅ |
InfiniteCullRect | If a painting bug no longer reproduces with this feature enabled, then the bug is caused by incorrect cull rects. | ❌ |
InheritUserModifyWithoutContenteditable | — | ✅ |
InitialLetterRaiseBySpecified | crbug.com/370217727 | ✅ |
InlineBlockInSameLine | — | ✅ |
InnerHTMLParserFastpathLogFailure | If enabled, and the inner html parser is unable to successfully parse, it will log histograms of why it failed. The logging is non-trivial. | ❌ |
InputClosesSelect | Makes the HTML parser close <select> tags before inserting <input> tags to match the old parser behavior. This is shipping with the initial release of SelectParserRelaxation in order to de-risk it, but we could consider disabling this in future releases of we want to support authors who want to put <input>s in <select>s. | ✅ |
InputEventConstructorThrows | — | ✅ |
InputMultipleFieldsUI | — | ❌ |
InsertBlockquoteBeforeOuterBlock | Insert a blockquote before a outer block after creating the blockquote when indenting a node whose outer block is a blockquote. See https://crbug.com/327665597 | ✅ |
InsertLineBreakIfInlineListItem | — | ✅ |
InsertLineBreakIfPhrasingContent | crbug.com/1420675 | ❌ |
InspectorGhostRules | Improved support for debugging CSSNestedDeclarations. | ❌ |
InstalledApp | — | ✅ |
InstallOnDeviceSpeechRecognition | — | ❌ |
InterestGroupsInSharedStorageWorklet | — | ✅ |
InteroperablePrivateAttribution | — | ❌ |
IntersectionObserverScrollMargin | If enabled, IntersectionObserverScrollMargin will be parsed. | ✅ |
InvertedColors | — | ❌ |
InvisibleSVGAnimationThrottling | — | ✅ |
IsolatedSVGDocumentOptimization | — | ✅ |
IsSecurePaymentConfirmationAvailableAPI | — | ❌ |
KeyboardAccessibleTooltip | — | ❌ |
KeyboardFocusableScrollers | TODO(crbug.com/40113891): This feature allows scrollers to be keyboard focusable by default. This was enabled by default in M130, but this flag should not be removed until the origin trial and enterprise policies have both expired. See the KeyboardFocusableScrollersOptOut flag. | ✅ |
KeyboardFocusableScrollersOptOut | TODO(crbug.com/40113891): Disables KeyboardFocusableScrollers. This feature only takes effect if KeyboardFocusableScrollers is enabled. It will overwrite the behavior and not allow scrollers to be keyboard focusable by default. | ❌ |
LangAttributeAwareFormControlUI | — | ❌ |
LanguageDetectionAPI | — | ❌ |
LayoutFlexNewRowAlgorithm | — | ✅ |
LayoutIgnoreMarginsForSticky | — | ❌ |
LayoutImageForceAspectRatioOfOneOnError | — | ❌ |
LayoutImageRevalidationCheckForSvgImages | — | ❌ |
LayoutJustifySelfForBlocks | — | ✅ |
LayoutMinSizeIndefinite | — | ✅ |
LayoutNGShapeCache | — | ❌ |
LayoutStretch | — | ❌ |
LayoutWebkitBoxTreeFix | — | ✅ |
LazyInitializeMediaControls | — | ❌ |
LazyLoadScrollMargin | If enabled, the lazy load image observer will use a scroll margin in its init dictionary instead of a root margin. | ✅ |
LazyLoadScrollMarginIframe | If enabled, the lazy load iframe observer will use a scroll margin in its init dictionary instead of a root margin. | ✅ |
LimitThirdPartyCookies | — | ❌ |
ListItemWithCounterSetNotSetExplicitValue | — | ✅ |
LockedMode | — | ❌ |
LongAnimationFrameSourceCharPosition | Enable sourceCharPosition for the invoke-type resolve-promise https://issues.chromium.org/issues/381529126 | ❌ |
LongAnimationFrameSourceLineColumn | Add sourceLine and sourceColumn to PerformanceScriptTiming https://issues.chromium.org/issues/391417815 | ❌ |
LongPressLinkSelectText | Long press on a link selects the link text instead of bringing up context menu. Enabled only on Android AuthView. | ❌ |
LongTaskFromLongAnimationFrame | Use LongAnimationFrameMonitor to emit longtask entries | ❌ |
MachineLearningNeuralNetwork | — | ❌ |
ManagedConfiguration | — | ✅ |
MeasureMemory | — | ✅ |
MediaCapabilitiesEncodingInfo | — | ❌ |
MediaCapabilitiesSpatialAudio | — | ❌ |
MediaCapture | — | ❌ |
MediaCaptureBackgroundBlur | — | ❌ |
MediaCaptureCameraControls | — | ❌ |
MediaCaptureConfigurationChange | — | ❌ |
MediaCaptureVoiceIsolation | — | ❌ |
MediaCastOverlayButton | Set to reflect the MediaCastOverlayButton feature. | ❌ |
MediaControlsExpandGesture | — | ❌ |
MediaControlsOverlayPlayButton | — | ❌ |
MediaElementVolumeGreaterThanOne | — | ❌ |
MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies | Set to reflect the kMediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies feature. | ❌ |
MediaLatencyHint | — | ❌ |
MediaPlaybackWhileNotVisiblePermissionPolicy | — | ❌ |
MediaPreviewsOptOut | — | ❌ |
MediaQueryNavigationControls | — | ❌ |
MediaRecorderUseMediaVideoEncoder | This uses media::VideoEncoder implementation in MediaRecorder API instead of using MediaRecorder own video encoder implementation. | ✅ |
MediaSession | — | ✅ |
MediaSessionChapterInformation | — | ✅ |
MediaSessionEnterPictureInPicture | — | ✅ |
MediaSourceExperimental | — | ❌ |
MediaSourceExtensionsForWebCodecs | — | ❌ |
MediaSourceNewAbortAndDuration | — | ❌ |
MediaStreamTrackTransfer | — | ❌ |
MediaStreamTrackWebSpeech | — | ❌ |
MessagePortCloseEvent | — | ❌ |
MetaRefreshNoFractional | This is a killswitch for <meta http-equiv="refresh"> no longer accepting fractions, landed around M125. It can be removed in M127 if there are no problems. | ✅ |
MiddleClickAutoscroll | This is enabled by default on Windows only. The only part that's "experimental" is the support on other platforms. | ❌ |
MobileLayoutTheme | — | ❌ |
ModifyParagraphCrossEditingoundary | — | ✅ |
MojoJS | — | ❌ |
MojoJSTest | MojoJSTest is used exclusively in testing environments, whereas MojoJS may also be used elsewhere. | ❌ |
MoveEndingSelectionToListChild | Move the selection to the last position in the list item. See https://crbug.com/331841851 | ✅ |
MoveToParagraphStartOrEndSkipsNonEditable | — | ✅ |
MulticolColumnWrapping | — | ❌ |
MultipleImportMaps | — | ✅ |
MultiSelectDeselectWhenOnlyOption | — | ❌ |
MutationEvents | crbug.com/1446498: This feature is being used for the deprecation/removal of Mutation Events. Timeline summary: - Events disabled for the open web: M127 (July 23, 2024) - Reminder email sent to all Origin trial registrants: December 12, 2024 - Origin trial disabled: M135 (April 1, 2025) - Enterprise policy disabled: {not yet} - Flag/code can be removed: {2 milestones after EP removal} | ❌ |
NavigateEventCanTransition | — | ❌ |
NavigateEventCommitBehavior | — | ❌ |
NavigateEventPopstateLimitations | — | ✅ |
NavigateEventSourceElement | — | ✅ |
NavigationId | — | ❌ |
NavigatorContentUtils | — | ❌ |
NestedViewTransition | — | ❌ |
NetInfoConstantType | — | ❌ |
NetInfoDownlinkMax | — | ❌ |
NewGetFocusableAreaBehavior | This is a killswitch for the behavior of Element::GetFocusableArea on delegatesFocus shadow hosts. This flag can be removed in M127 if things are stable. | ✅ |
NoCollapseSpaceBeforeRuby | crbug.com/376097115 | ✅ |
NodeInUAShadowRootUnderAnonymousBlockFlow | crbug.com/380107555 | ✅ |
NoFontAntialiasing | This turns off all font antialiasing for tests unless it is explicitly required and enabled using the "--enable-font-antialiasing" flag like in the case of "virtual/text-antialias/" virtual test suite. crbug.com/339041663 | ❌ |
NoIdleEncodingForWebTests | — | ❌ |
NoIncreasingEndOffsetOnSplittingTextNodes | Doesn't increase the end offset on getting the range for a new line character. See https://crbug.com/326888905 | ✅ |
NonEmptyBlockquotesOnOutdenting | Doesn't insert empty blockquotes on outdenting a blockquote. See https://crbug.com/323960902 | ✅ |
NonStandardAppearanceValueSliderVertical | TODO(crbug.com/1426629): This feature enables the deprecated value slider-vertical. Disable this feature to stop parsing or allowing these values. https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ui-4/#appearance-switching | ✅ |
NotificationConstructor | — | ❌ |
NotificationContentImage | NotificationContentImage is not available in all platforms The Notification Center on Mac OS X does not support content images. | ❌ |
Notifications | — | ✅ |
NotificationTriggers | — | ❌ |
ObservableAPI | — | ✅ |
OffMainThreadCSSPaint | — | ✅ |
OffscreenCanvasCommit | — | ❌ |
OffscreenCanvasGetContextAttributes | — | ✅ |
OmitBlurEventOnElementRemoval | — | ❌ |
OnDeviceWebSpeechAvailable | — | ❌ |
OptionLabelAttributeWhitespace | This flag makes the <option> element's label attribute render the contents of the label attribute even if it is only whitespace in order to match the spec and firefox. It also stops stripping/simplifying whitespace when using the label attribute for rendering. https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10955 | ✅ |
OrientationEvent | — | ❌ |
OriginIsolationHeader | — | ✅ |
OriginPolicy | — | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPI | Define a sample API for testing integration with the Origin Trials Framework. The sample API is used in both unit and web tests for the Origin Trials Framework. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIBrowserReadWrite | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIDependent | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. TODO(yashard): Add tests for this feature. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIDeprecation | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIExpiryGracePeriod | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIExpiryGracePeriodThirdParty | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIImplied | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIInvalidOS | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPINavigation | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIPersistentExpiryGracePeriod | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIPersistentFeature | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIPersistentInvalidOS | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIPersistentThirdPartyDeprecationFeature | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OriginTrialsSampleAPIThirdParty | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
OverscrollCustomization | — | ❌ |
PagePopup | — | ❌ |
PageRevealEvent | — | ✅ |
PageSwapEvent | — | ✅ |
PaintHighlightsForFirstLetter | — | ✅ |
PaintHoldingForIframes | — | ✅ |
PaintHoldingForLocalIframes | — | ✅ |
PaintLayerUpdateOptimizations | Kill switch. | ✅ |
PaintTimingMixin | — | ❌ |
PaintUnderInvalidationChecking | — | ❌ |
Parakeet | PARAKEET ad serving runtime flag/JS API. | ❌ |
PartialCompletionNotAllowedInMoveParagraphs | — | ✅ |
PartitionedPopins | — | ❌ |
PartitionVisitedLinkDatabaseWithSelfLinks | — | ❌ |
PasswordReveal | This is to add an option to enable the Reveal button on password inputs while waiting ::reveal gets standardized. | ❌ |
PasteListItemOutsidePreviousListItem | https://crbug.com/41247646 | ✅ |
PaymentApp | — | ❌ |
PaymentLinkDetection | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5198846820352000 | ❌ |
PaymentMethodChangeEvent | — | ✅ |
PaymentRequest | PaymentRequest is enabled by default on Android | ❌ |
PerformanceManagerInstrumentation | — | ❌ |
PerformanceMarkFeatureUsage | Enables performance.mark('mark_feature_usage'): crbug.com/1517170 | ❌ |
PerformanceNavigateSystemEntropy | — | ❌ |
PerformanceNavigationTimingConfidence | — | ❌ |
PeriodicBackgroundSync | — | ✅ |
PerMethodCanMakePaymentQuota | — | ❌ |
PermissionElement | Tracking bug for the implementation: https://crbug.com/1462930 | ❌ |
Permissions | — | ✅ |
PermissionsRequestRevoke | — | ❌ |
PlainTextPainter | crbug.com/389726691. | ❌ |
PNaCl | This is a reverse OT used for a phased deprecation. https://crbug.com/918374 | ❌ |
PointerEventDeviceId | — | ✅ |
PointerEventTargetsInEventLists | Coalesced/predicted event targets in untrusted events. See https://crbug.com/353538500 | ✅ |
PointerLockOnAndroid | Flag for enabling the pointer lock API on Android | ❌ |
PositionOutsideTabSpanCheckSiblingNode | — | ✅ |
PotentialPermissionsPolicyReporting | — | ✅ |
PreciseMemoryInfo | — | ❌ |
PreferDefaultScrollbarStyles | Adds a web setting to disable CSS ScrollbarColor, ScrollbarWidth, and legacy ::-webkit-scrollbar* pseudo element styling. | ❌ |
PreferNonCompositedScrolling | Prefer not using composited scrolling. Composited scrolling will still be used if there are other reasons forcing compositing. For consistency, any code calling Settings::GetPreferCompositingToLCDTextEnabled() should ensure that this flag overrides the setting. | ❌ |
PreferredAudioOutputDevices | — | ❌ |
PrefersReducedData | — | ❌ |
PreloadLinkRelDataUrls | Used to allow preloading data: URLs with link rel=preload. | ❌ |
Prerender2 | Used to allow chrome://flags to turn off prerendering. (Without using the user-facing preloading settings page to turn off other preloading.) See https://crbug.com/1494471. It also has some feature params defined throughout the codebase. | ✅ |
Presentation | — | ✅ |
PreventUndoIfNotEditable | When enabled, prevents undo to be applied if the enclosing block is not editable | ✅ |
PrevOrNextCandidateIsEditingRootChild | — | ✅ |
PrivateAggregationApiErrorReporting | Controls the aggregate error reporting feature, which allows for contributions to be made conditional on error conditions that can be hit when using the API. This also defers contribution merging and modifies the budgeting flow. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5194896325214208 | ❌ |
PrivateAggregationApiMaxContributions | Controls whether Private Aggregation's "maxContributions" field is enabled for Shared Storage callers. If disabled, the field will be ignored. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5189366316793856 | ✅ |
PrivateNetworkAccessNonSecureContextsAllowed | — | ❌ |
PrivateNetworkAccessNullIpAddress | — | ❌ |
PrivateNetworkAccessPermissionPrompt | — | ✅ |
PrivateStateTokens | — | ✅ |
PrivateStateTokensAlwaysAllowIssuance | Always allow trust token issuance (so long as the base::Feature is enabled). Used for testing; circumvents a runtime check that, if this RuntimeEnabledFeature is not present, guarantees the origin trial is enabled. | ❌ |
ProtectedOriginTrialsSampleAPI | Protected memory varariant of the sample API for testing integration with the Origin Trials Framework. This is used only in unit tests. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the sample API implementation. | ❌ |
ProtectedOriginTrialsSampleAPIDependent | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. TODO(yashard): Add tests for this feature. | ❌ |
ProtectedOriginTrialsSampleAPIImplied | As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation. | ❌ |
PseudoElementsFocusable | Allowing pseudo elements to have focus. | ✅ |
PushMessageDataBytes | — | ✅ |
PushMessaging | — | ✅ |
PushMessagingSubscriptionChange | — | ❌ |
QuickIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingAfterLoading | — | ✅ |
RadioInputNextButtonInScope | crbug.com/323953913 Fix looking for next radio button in the form's scope. This was added in M135 and can be removed after M138. | ✅ |
RangeBasedTextFind | — | ✅ |
RasterInducingScroll | — | ❌ |
ReadableStreamAsyncIterable | — | ✅ |
ReduceAcceptLanguage | If enabled, both Accept-Language HTTP header and JavaScript getter will be reduced. | ❌ |
ReduceUserAgentAndroidVersionDeviceModel | If enabled, the deviceModel will be reduced to "K" and the androidVersion will be reduced to a static "10" string in android User-Agent string. | ❌ |
ReduceUserAgentMinorVersion | If enabled, the minor version of the User-Agent string will be reduced. This User-Agent Reduction feature has been enabled starting from M101, but we still keep this flag for future phase tests. | ✅ |
ReduceUserAgentPlatformOsCpu | If enabled, the platform and oscpu of the User-Agent string will be reduced. | ❌ |
ReferenceFilterOutputBounds | Killswitch M136. | ✅ |
RegionCapture | — | ❌ |
RelOpenerBcgDependencyHint | — | ❌ |
RemotePlayback | — | ✅ |
RemotePlaybackBackend | — | ❌ |
RemoveDanglingMarkupInTarget | — | ✅ |
RemoveDataUrlInSvgUse | — | ✅ |
RemoveNodeHavingChildrenIfFullySelected | Remove a node if it's selected fully even though it has children. See https://crbug.com/331074432 | ✅ |
RemovePlaceholderBRForDisplayInline | crbug.com/41047725 | ✅ |
RemoveSelectionCanonicalizationInMoveParagraph | See https://issues.chromium.org/issues/41474791 | ✅ |
RemoveVisibleSelectionInDOMSelection | See https://issues.chromium.org/issues/41311101 | ❌ |
RenderBlockingFullFrameRate | See https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/11070 ChromeStatus: https://chromestatus.com/feature/5207202081800192 | ❌ |
RenderBlockingInlineModuleScript | See https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10034 | ✅ |
RenderBlockingStatus | — | ✅ |
RenderPriorityAttribute | The renderpriority attribute feature. https://github.com/WICG/display-locking/blob/main/explainers/update-rendering.md | ❌ |
RenderSurfaceFor2DScaleTransform | Allocates a render surface for 2D scale transforms, to prevent composited pixel alignment issues. See https://crbug.com/40084005 | ✅ |
ReportEventTimingAtVisibilityChange | — | ✅ |
ReportFirstFrameTimeAsRenderTime | — | ❌ |
ResolveVarStylesOnCopy | — | ✅ |
ResourceTimingContentEncoding | — | ❌ |
ResourceTimingContentType | — | ❌ |
ResourceTimingFinalResponseHeadersStart | — | ✅ |
ResourceTimingUseCORSForBodySizes | — | ❌ |
RestrictGamepadAccess | — | ❌ |
RestrictGetBoundingClientRectForHiddenSVGElements | — | ✅ |
RewindFloats | New behavior when line breaker rewinds floats. crbug.com/1499290 | ✅ |
RootScrollbarFollowsBrowserTheme | If enabled, makes the root scrollbars' foreground elements follow the browser | ❌ |
RoundScrollOffsets | — | ✅ |
RtcAudioJitterBufferMaxPackets | — | ❌ |
RTCDataChannelPriority | — | ❌ |
RTCEncodedAudioFrameAbsCaptureTime | — | ❌ |
RTCEncodedFrameSetMetadata | — | ❌ |
RTCEncodedFrameTimestamps | — | ✅ |
RTCEncodedVideoFrameAdditionalMetadata | — | ❌ |
RTCJitterBufferTarget | Enables the use of jitterBufferTarget attribute in WebRTC. Spec: https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-extensions/#dom-rtcrtpreceiver-jitterbuffertarget | ✅ |
RTCLegacyCallbackBasedGetStats | Legacy callback-based getStats() has limited availability unless this Deprecation Trial is enabled. TODO(https://crbug.com/822696): Remove when origin trial ends. | ❌ |
RTCRtpEncodingParametersCodec | Enables the use of |RTCRtpEncodingParameters.codec| | ✅ |
RTCRtpScaleResolutionDownTo | — | ✅ |
RTCRtpScriptTransform | — | ❌ |
RTCRtpTransport | — | ❌ |
RTCStatsRelativePacketArrivalDelay | — | ❌ |
RTCSvcScalabilityMode | Enables the use of SVC scalability mode in WebRTC. Spec: https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-svc/ | ✅ |
RubyFieldsetCrashFix | crbug.com/402200344 | ✅ |
RubyOverhangOverlapFix | crbug.com/329776386 | ✅ |
RubyShortHeuristics | crbug.com/324111880 | ✅ |
SameValueTextContentFiresMutationObservers | This is a finch killswitch for a bug fix to the behavior of node.setTextContent(). The fix landed in M135, and this flag can be removed in M137 pending no issues. | ✅ |
SanitizerAPI | Spec: https://wicg.github.io/sanitizer-api/ Tracking bug: crbug.com/356601280 | ❌ |
SchedulerYieldCrossOriginFix | — | ✅ |
ScheduleSelectionChangeOnBackspace | See crbug.com/41321247 | ✅ |
ScopedCustomElementRegistry | https://wicg.github.io/webcomponents/proposals/Scoped-Custom-Element-Registries | ❌ |
ScopedViewTransitions | https://github.com/WICG/view-transitions/blob/main/scoped-transitions.md | ❌ |
ScriptedSpeechRecognition | WebSpeech API with both speech recognition and synthesis functionality is not fully enabled on all platforms. | ✅ |
ScriptedSpeechSynthesis | — | ✅ |
ScriptRunIteratorCombiningMarks | — | ✅ |
ScrollableAreasWithScrollNodeOptimization | Killswitch to be removed after M134 reaches stable. With it enabled, LocalFrameView uses an optimized iteration over just scrollable areas with scroll nodes. | ✅ |
ScrollAnchorPriorityCandidateSubtree | — | ❌ |
ScrollbarColor | — | ✅ |
ScrollbarGutterFixedPosBugfix | — | ✅ |
ScrollbarWidth | — | ✅ |
ScrollCullRectFromContainerRect | Killswitch added in M134, changed in M135. | ✅ |
ScrollEndEvents | — | ✅ |
ScrollIntoViewRootFrameViewportBugFix | TODO(355460994): Remove after M129. scroll into root frame didn't take scrollbar and borders into account, while this is fixed, to avoid any web compat issues we have this killswitch. | ✅ |
ScrollTimelineCurrentTime | Separate flag for crbug.com/1426506 (getCurrentTime API change) which is expected to land after the initial launch of ScrollTimeline. | ❌ |
ScrollTopLeftInterop | Implements documentElement.scrollTop/Left and bodyElement.scrollTop/Left as per the spec, matching other Web engines. This flag can't be removed until the Android min SDK version is 28 (i.e., 'P') or later. See AWSettings.setScrollTopLeftInteropEnabled and its caller. | ✅ |
SearchTextHighlightPseudo | Allows CSS styling of browser search results. https://issues.chromium.org/issues/339298411 https://chromestatus.com/feature/5195073796177920 | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmation | SecurePaymentConfirmation has shipped on some platforms, but its availability is controlled by the browser process (via the SecurePaymentConfirmationBrowser feature), as it requires browser support to function. See //content/public/common/content_features.cc The status is set to 'test' here to enable some WPT tests that only require blink-side support to function. | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmationBrowserBoundKeys | — | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmationDebug | — | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmationNetworkAndIssuerIcons | — | ❌ |
SecurePaymentConfirmationOptOut | — | ✅ |
SelectAudioOutput | SelectAudioOutput API https://chromestatus.com/feature/5164535504437248 | ❌ |
SelectColorsRemoveImportant | This removes !important from some rules in the UA stylesheet about select option colors. https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40788356 This is shipping in M136 and can be removed in M138 | ✅ |
SelectedcontentelementAttribute | The selectedcontentelement attribute is for connecting select elements to arbitrary <selectedcontent> elements. https://github.com/openui/open-ui/issues/1063 | ❌ |
SelectionAcrossShadowDOM | Implement Selection API across shadow DOM See https://w3c.github.io/selection-api/ | ❌ |
SelectionUpdateToInitialSelectionInListify | See https://crbug.com/395544401 | ✅ |
SelectionVisibilityAfterPaint | Killswitch M136. | ✅ |
SelectListBoxSlotAnything | This flag is used to relax the rules used to slot elements into a select with the multiple attribute or size >1. This could be enabled in the case that SelectParserRelaxation causes a breaking change for websites which were relying on the parser throwing away tags which couldn't be slotted otherwise, like this: <select multiple> <ul> <option>hello</option> When the SelectParserRelaxation flag is removed, then this flag can be safely removed as well. | ❌ |
SelectNoMouseUpForKeyboardSelection | If enabled, the select element will not dispatch a mouseup event when an option is selected using the keyboard. This should ship in M135, and it can be removed after M137. http://crbug.com/396611142 | ✅ |
SelectOptionAccessibilityTargetSize | Sets the minimum target size of <option> in <select> to 24x24 CSS pixels to meet Accessibility standards. https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/target-size-minimum.html | ✅ |
SelectParserRelaxation | Makes the HTML parser allow most tags inside of <select> instead of only <option>, <optgroup>, and <hr>. https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10310 | ✅ |
SelectParserRelaxationOptOut | This is a feature used only for deprecation origin trial participants to opt out of the SelectParserRelaxation new behavior. If this feature is enabled, then SelectParserRelaxation will be disabled, regardless of the state of that flag. This deprecation trial is supported through M140, so this flag can be removed in M141+. | ❌ |
SendBeaconThrowForBlobWithNonSimpleType | — | ✅ |
SensorExtraClasses | — | ❌ |
Serial | — | ❌ |
SerializeViewTransitionStateInSPA | — | ❌ |
SerialPortConnected | — | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerClientLifecycleState | — | ❌ |
ServiceWorkerStaticRouterTimingInfo | — | ❌ |
SetSequentialFocusStartingPoint | — | ❌ |
ShadowRootReferenceTarget | Reference Target allows IDREF attributes to refer inside Shadow DOM. crbug.com/346835896 | ❌ |
ShadowRootReferenceTargetAriaOwns | If enabled, Reference Target will support aria-owns. https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/1091 | ❌ |
ShapeResultCachedPreviousSafeToBreakOffset | crbug.com/329677645 | ✅ |
SharedArrayBuffer | — | ❌ |
SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed | — | ❌ |
SharedAutofill | — | ❌ |
SharedStorageAPI | — | ✅ |
SharedStorageWebLocks | — | ✅ |
SharedWorker | — | ❌ |
SignatureBasedInlineIntegrity | — | ❌ |
SignatureBasedIntegrity | — | ❌ |
SkipAd | — | ✅ |
SkipCallbacksWhenDevToolsNotOpen | If enabled, only call ResourceLoadObserver callbacks if the DevTools panel is open. | ❌ |
SkipPreloadScanning | If enabled, HTMLPreloadScanner will be skipped. | ❌ |
SkipTouchEventFilter | Skips the browser touch event filter, ensuring that events that reach the queue and would otherwise be filtered out will instead be passed onto the renderer compositor process as long as the page hasn't timed out. If skip_filtering_process is browser_and_renderer, also skip the renderer cc touch event filter, ensuring that events will be passed onto the renderer main thread. | ✅ |
SmartCard | — | ❌ |
SmartZoom | — | ❌ |
SmilAutoSuspendOnLag | — | ✅ |
SoftNavigationDetection | Used to enable the code for detecting soft navigations through task attribution. Set to stable as this generates an enabled-by-default base::Feature for a field-trial remote shutoff. Needs to be a runtime feature so that the Soft Navigation Heuristics Origin Trial can depend on it. | ✅ |
SoftNavigationHeuristics | — | ❌ |
SoftNavigationHeuristicsExposeFPAndFCP | — | ❌ |
SpeakerSelection | — | ❌ |
SpeculationRulesPointerDownHeuristics | — | ❌ |
SpeculationRulesPointerHoverHeuristics | — | ❌ |
SpeculationRulesPrefetchFuture | This feature exists solely to be the target of implied_by for features that are part of this trial but which may also be enabled another way. Otherwise, runtime-enabled features can be added to the origin trial with the following: origin_trial_feature_name: "SpeculationRulesPrefetchFuture", origin_trial_allows_third_party: true, | ❌ |
SpeculationRulesPrefetchWithSubresources | — | ❌ |
SpeculationRulesTag | — | ❌ |
SpeculationRulesTargetHint | Enables to run prerendering for new tabs (e.g., target="_blank"). See https://crbug.com/1350676. | ❌ |
SplitTextNotCleanupDummySpans | — | ✅ |
SrcsetSelectionMatchesImageSet | Kill switch for change to unify image-set and srcset selection logic. | ✅ |
StableBlinkFeatures | Used as argument in attribute of stable-release functions/interfaces where a runtime-enabled feature name is required for correct IDL syntax. This is a global flag; do not change its status. | ✅ |
StandardizedBrowserZoom | See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9398 | ✅ |
StandardizedBrowserZoomOptOut | — | ❌ |
StandardizedTimerClamping | — | ✅ |
StorageBuckets | — | ✅ |
StorageBucketsDurability | Gates the | ❌ |
StorageBucketsLocks | Gates the | ❌ |
StrictMimeTypesForWorkers | — | ❌ |
StrongBolder | crbug.com/396607231 Update strong, b elements default to be font-weight: bolder Enabled by default on M135. Remove flag on or after M138. | ✅ |
StylusHandwriting | — | ❌ |
SvgAnchorElementRelAttributes | — | ✅ |
SvgEagerPresAttrStyleUpdate | Feature for updating SVG presentation attribute style eagerly. This is a kill switch in case we encounter issues with this optimization. | ✅ |
SvgExternalResources | Enables loading of external SVG resource documents for the 'clip-path', 'fill', 'stroke' and 'marker-*' properties. | ✅ |
SvgFilterUserSpaceViewportForNonSvg | — | ✅ |
SvgInlineRootPixelSnappingScaleAdjustment | — | ✅ |
SvgNoPixelSnappingScaleAdjustment | — | ✅ |
SynthesizedKeyboardEventsForAccessibilityActions | — | ❌ |
SystemFallbackEmojiVSSupport | This is used for emoji variation selectors support in system fallback matching. This is a workaround solution that helps to avoid incorrect font matching due to lack of cmap format 14 subtable in system emoji fonts on various platforms. This should be eventually removed when the custom emoji font is shipped with Chrome or when system emoji fonts will have cmap format 14 subtable. | ✅ |
SystemWakeLock | — | ❌ |
TableIsAutoFixedLayout | — | ✅ |
TestBlinkFeatureDefault | For unit tests. This is for testing copied_from_base_feature_if. This is set in base/test/test_suite.cc. | ❌ |
TestFeature | — | ❌ |
TestFeatureDependent | For unit tests. | ❌ |
TestFeatureImplied | For unit tests. | ❌ |
TestFeatureProtected | For unit tests. | ❌ |
TestFeatureProtectedDependent | For unit tests. | ❌ |
TestFeatureProtectedImplied | For unit tests. | ❌ |
TestFeatureStable | For unit tests. | ✅ |
TextAutoSizingDisabledOnFlexbox | — | ✅ |
TextCombineEmphasisNG | crbug.com/389726691 | ✅ |
TextDetector | — | ❌ |
TextDiffSplitFix | crbug.com/325517313 | ✅ |
TextEmphasisPositionAuto | crbug.com/368657256 | ❌ |
TextFragmentAPI | — | ❌ |
TextFragmentIdentifiers | — | ✅ |
TextFragmentTapOpensContextMenu | — | ❌ |
TextMetricsBaselines | — | ✅ |
TextOffsetMapCrashFix | crbug.com/396666438 | ✅ |
TimerThrottlingForBackgroundTabs | — | ✅ |
TimestampBasedCLSTracking | — | ❌ |
TimeZoneChangeEvent | — | ❌ |
TopicsAPI | — | ✅ |
TopicsDocumentAPI | — | ✅ |
TopicsImgAPI | This feature allows calling the Topics API via an image attribute. | ❌ |
TopLayerInactiveDocumentExceptions | This is a killswitch for the behavior where popover.showPopover() and dialog.showModal() throw DOM exceptions if the document isn't active. This landed in M132, and can be removed in M134. | ✅ |
TopLevelTpcd | — | ❌ |
TouchDragAndContextMenu | This feature allows touch dragging and a context menu to occur simultaneously, with the assumption that the menu is non-modal. Without this feature, a long-press touch gesture can start either a drag or a context-menu in Blink, not both (more precisely, a context menu is shown only if a drag cannot be started). | ❌ |
TouchDragOnShortPress | This feature makes touch dragging to occur at the short-press gesture, which occurs right before the long-press gesture. This feature assumes that TouchDragAndContextMenu is enabled. | ❌ |
TouchEventFeatureDetection | Many websites disable mouse support when touch APIs are available. We'd like to enable this always but can't until more websites fix this bug. Chromium sets this conditionally (eg. based on the presence of a touchscreen) in ApplyWebPreferences. "Touch events" themselves are always enabled since they're a feature always supported by Chrome. | ✅ |
TouchTextEditingRedesign | Set to reflect the kTouchTextEditingRedesign feature. | ❌ |
Tpcd | — | ❌ |
TransferableRTCDataChannel | — | ✅ |
TranslateService | This is conditionally set if the platform supports translation. | ❌ |
TranslationAPI | — | ❌ |
TranslationAPIV1 | — | ❌ |
TrustedTypeBeforePolicyCreationEvent | — | ❌ |
TrustedTypesFromLiteral | — | ❌ |
TrustedTypesHTML | Adapt Trusted Types to its new spec, as part of HTML. Tracking bug: 330516530 | ❌ |
TrustedTypesUseCodeLike | — | ❌ |
UnclosedFormControlIsInvalid | — | ❌ |
UnencodedDigest | — | ❌ |
UnexposedTaskIds | — | ❌ |
UnifiedScrollableAreas | Killswitch to be removed after M133 or M134 reaches stable. With it enabled, LocalFrameView::ScrollableAreas() includes all scrollable areas in the frame's document, otherwise only user scrollable ones. | ✅ |
UnrestrictedMeasureUserAgentSpecificMemory | — | ❌ |
UnrestrictedSharedArrayBuffer | This is a reverse OT used for a phased deprecation, on desktop https://crbug.com/1071424 | ❌ |
UnrestrictedUsb | Enables using policy-controlled feature "usb-unrestricted" to allow isolated context to access protected USB interface classes and to bypass the USB blocklist. | ✅ |
UpdateComplexSafaAreaConstraints | If enabled, notify the associated DisplayCutoutHost of changes in complex safe area constraint usage on the page. Only Android may make use of this feature currently. | ❌ |
UpdateSelectionOnNodeInsertion | — | ❌ |
URLPatternCompareComponent | — | ❌ |
URLSearchParamsHasAndDeleteMultipleArgs | — | ✅ |
UseBeginFramePresentationFeedback | — | ❌ |
UseLowQualityInterpolation | Android currently uses low-quality interpolation, while other platforms default to medium-quality. This flag is for experimenting with changing the value on Android. See: https://crbug.com/374315986. | ❌ |
UsePositionForPointInFlexibleBoxWithSingleChildElement | — | ✅ |
UserDefinedEntryPointTiming | — | ❌ |
UseSelectionFocusNodeForCaretNavigation | Makes navigation APIs to use focus node for caret navigation instead of selection start. https://crbug.com/40658856 | ✅ |
UseShadowHostStyleCheckEditable | — | ✅ |
UseUndoStepElementDispatchBeforeInput | — | ✅ |
V8IdleTasks | — | ❌ |
VideoAutoFullscreen | Whether a video element should automatically play fullscreen unless 'playsinline' is set. | ❌ |
VideoFrameMetadataBackgroundBlur | — | ❌ |
VideoFullscreenOrientationLock | — | ❌ |
VideoRotateToFullscreen | — | ❌ |
VideoTrackGenerator | — | ❌ |
VideoTrackGeneratorInWindow | — | ❌ |
VideoTrackGeneratorInWorker | — | ❌ |
ViewportHeightClientHintHeader | — | ✅ |
ViewportSegments | — | ❌ |
ViewTransitionDisableSnapBrowserControlsOnHidden | — | ✅ |
ViewTransitionLongCallbackTimeoutForTesting | — | ❌ |
ViewTransitionOnNavigation | If enabled, ViewTransition API is supported for navigations including cross-document transitions. See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-view-transitions-1/. | ✅ |
ViewTransitionOnNavigationForIframes | — | ✅ |
VisibilityCollapseColumn | — | ❌ |
VisualViewportOnScrollEnd | — | ✅ |
WakeLock | The "WakeLock" feature was originally implied_by "ScreenWakeLock" and "SystemWakeLock". The former was removed after being promoted to stable, but we need to keep this feature around for code and IDLs that should work with both screen and system wake locks. | ✅ |
WarnOnContentVisibilityRenderAccess | When enabled, this will issue a warning to the console any time rendering is forced withing content-visibility subtrees (both content-visibility: auto and content-visibility: hidden). | ❌ |
WebAnimationsSVG | — | ❌ |
WebAppInstallation | — | ❌ |
WebAppLaunchQueue | This is not going into origin trial, "origin_trial_feature_name" is required for using the "implied_by" behaviour. | ❌ |
WebAppScopeExtensions | — | ❌ |
WebAppTabStrip | — | ❌ |
WebAppTabStripCustomizations | — | ❌ |
WebAppTranslations | — | ❌ |
WebAssemblyJSPromiseIntegration | WebAssembly JS Promise Integration, https://github.com/WebAssembly/js-promise-integration/blob/main/proposals/js-promise-integration | ❌ |
WebAssemblyJSStringBuiltins | — | ✅ |
WebAudioBypassOutputBuffering | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5077691662073856 | ❌ |
WebAudioBypassOutputBufferingOptOut | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5077691662073856 Allows an Enterprise Policy to override WebAudioBypassOutputBuffering | ❌ |
WebAuth | WebAuth is disabled on Android versions prior to N (7.0) due to lack of supporting APIs, see runtime_features.cc. | ✅ |
WebAuthAuthenticatorAttachment | When enabled adds the authenticator attachment used for registration and authentication to the public key credential response. | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationAlignErrorTypeForPaymentCredentialCreate | Aligns the error thrown by navigator.credentials.create in a cross-origin iframe with no user activation to be correct to the webauthn spec whether or not the 'payment' extension is specified. See https://crbug.com/41484826 | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationAmbient | Prototyping https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2144 | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationAttestationFormats | https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#dom-publickeycredentialcreationoptions-attestationformats | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationChallengeUrl | Enables providing a URL to retrieve a WebAuthn challenge. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5109012922892288 | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationClientCapabilities | Enables the PublicKeyCredential.getClientCapabilities() static method. https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-getClientCapabilities Enabled by default on M133. Remove flag on or after M136. | ✅ |
WebAuthenticationConditionalCreate | https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#dom-clientcapability-conditionalcreate | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationImmediateGet | Prototyping https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2228 | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationJSONSerialization | Methods for deserializing WebAuthn requests from JSON/serializing responses into JSON. https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#dom-publickeycredential-tojson https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-parseCreationOptionsFromJSON https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-parseRequestOptionsFromJSON | ✅ |
WebAuthenticationNewBfCacheHandlingBlink | — | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationPRF | https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#prf-extension | ✅ |
WebAuthenticationRemoteDesktopSupport | — | ❌ |
WebAuthenticationSupplementalPubKeys | https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-supplemental-public-keys-extension | ❌ |
WebBluetooth | WebBluetooth is enabled by default on Android, ChromeOS, macOS and Windows. | ❌ |
WebBluetoothGetDevices | — | ❌ |
WebBluetoothScanning | — | ❌ |
WebBluetoothWatchAdvertisements | — | ❌ |
WebCodecsCopyToRGB | — | ✅ |
WebCodecsHBDFormats | — | ✅ |
WebCodecsOrientation | — | ❌ |
WebCodecsVideoEncoderBuffers | — | ❌ |
WebCryptoCurve25519 | — | ✅ |
WebCryptoEd25519 | — | ❌ |
WebFontResizeLCP | — | ❌ |
WebGLDeveloperExtensions | — | ❌ |
WebGLDraftExtensions | Draft WebGL extensions are deliberately not enabled by experimental web platform features. | ❌ |
WebGLDrawingBufferStorage | — | ✅ |
WebGLImageChromium | — | ❌ |
WebGPUAdapterInfoIsFallbackAdapter | — | ✅ |
WebGPUDeveloperFeatures | WebGPU developer features are deliberately not enabled by experimental web platform features. | ❌ |
WebGPUExperimentalFeatures | WebGPU experimental features are meant for features that would eventually land in the WebGPU spec. | ❌ |
WebGPUFeatureLevel | Launch feature flag for GPURequestAdapterOptions featureLevel https://chromestatus.com/feature/5154347661656064 | ❌ |
WebGPUSubgroupsFeatures | Using subgroup related features in WebGPU. https://chromestatus.com/feature/5126409856221184 | ✅ |
WebHID | — | ❌ |
WebHIDOnServiceWorkers | It is only enabled in extension environment for now. | ❌ |
WebIdentityDigitalCredentials | — | ❌ |
WebIdentityDigitalCredentialsCreation | — | ❌ |
WebIdentityDigitalCredentialsStopSupportingLegacyRequestFormat | When enabled, the legacy format of the Digital Credentials request isn't supported anymore, and only the modern format is supported. | ❌ |
WebIDLBigIntUsesToBigInt | Kill switch for making BigInt handling in WebIDL use ToBigInt. | ✅ |
WebNFC | — | ❌ |
WebOTP | — | ✅ |
WebOTPAssertionFeaturePolicy | — | ✅ |
WebPreferences | https://wicg.github.io/web-preferences-api/ | ❌ |
WebPrinting | — | ❌ |
WebShare | WebShare is enabled by default on Android. | ❌ |
WebSocketStream | — | ✅ |
WebSpeechRecognitionContext | — | ❌ |
WebTransportCustomCertificates | — | ✅ |
WebTransportStats | Note: enabling this without setting WebTransportCongestionControl to either BBRv1 or BBRv2 will produce poor bandwidth estimates. | ❌ |
WebUIBundledCodeCacheAsyncFetch | Fetches the WebUI code cache from the resource bundle asynchronously on a worker thread. | ❌ |
WebUSB | — | ✅ |
WebUSBOnDedicatedWorkers | — | ✅ |
WebUSBOnServiceWorkers | It is only enabled in extension environment for now. | ❌ |
WebViewXRequestedWithDeprecation | — | ❌ |
WebVTTRegions | — | ❌ |
WebXR | — | ✅ |
WebXREnabledFeatures | — | ✅ |
WebXRFrameRate | — | ❌ |
WebXRFrontFacing | — | ❌ |
WebXRGPUBinding | — | ❌ |
WebXRHandInput | — | ✅ |
WebXRHitTestEntityTypes | — | ❌ |
WebXRImageTracking | — | ❌ |
WebXRLayers | — | ❌ |
WebXRLayersCommon | — | ❌ |
WebXRPlaneDetection | — | ❌ |
WebXRPoseMotionData | — | ❌ |
WebXRSpecParity | — | ❌ |
WindowDefaultStatus | If enabled, window.default[Ss]tatus will be supported. This is disabled by default, and is here to allow this behavior to be re-enabled via Finch in case of problems. This flag should be removed by Q1 2023, assuming no problems are encountered. | ❌ |
WindowOnMoveEvent | — | ❌ |
XMLParserMergeAdjacentCDataSections | Flag guard for change to XML parser to merge adjacent CDATA sections. See https://crrev.com/c/4790343. | ✅ |
ZeroCopyTabCapture | If enabled, the | ❌ |
Modify with --blink-settings
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